Results from the CASTLES Survey of Gravitational Lenses

Abstract in English

We show that most gravitational lenses lie on the passively evolving fundamental plane for early-type galaxies. For burst star formation models (1 Gyr of star formation, then quiescence) in low Omega_0 cosmologies, the stellar populations of the lens galaxies must have formed at z_f > 2. Typical lens galaxies contain modest amounts of patchy extinction, with a median differential extinction for the optical (radio) selected lenses of E(B-V) = 0.04 (0.07) mag. The dust can be used to determine both extinction laws and lens redshifts. For example, the z_l=0.96 elliptical lens in MG0414+0534 has an R_V=1.7 +/- 0.1 mean extinction law. Arc and ring images of the quasar and AGN source host galaxies are commonly seen in NICMOS H band observations. The hosts are typically blue, L < L_* galaxies.
