A Narrowband Imaging Search for [OIII] Emission from Galaxies at z>3

Abstract in English

We present the results of a narrow-band survey of QSO fields at redshifts that place the [OIII](5007) emission line in the 1% 2.16micron filter. We have observed 3 square arcminutes and detected one emission line candidate object in the field around PC 1109+4642. We discuss the possibilities that this object is a star-forming galaxy at the QSO redshift, z_em=3.313 or a Seyfert galaxy. In the former case, we infer a star formation rate of 170 Msun/yr for this Kprime=21.3 object. The galaxy has a compact but resolved morphology, with a FWHM=0.6arcs, or 4.2kpc at z=3.313 (H_0=50 km/s/Mpc and q_0=0.5). The comoving density of such objects in QSO environments appears to be 0.0033Mpc^3, marginally lower (<= 3sigma) than the density observed for Halpha-emitters in absorption-line fields at z~2.5, but similar to the density of Lyman Break Galaxies at z~3. If on the other hand, most of the line emission is [OIII] from a Seyfert 2 nucleus at z=3.31, then the high inferred volume density could imply a large evolution in the Seyfert 2 luminosity function from the current epoch. We find the field containing the object to also contain many faint extended objects in the Kprime image, but little significant excess over the expected number-magnitude relation. We discuss the implication of the emission line being a longer wavelength line at a lower redshift.
