Peculiar Motions Of Clusters In The Perseus-Pisces Region

Abstract in English

We present results of a new study of peculiar motions of 7 clusters in the Perseus-Pisces (PP) region, using the Fundamental Plane as a distance indicator. The sample is calibrated by reference to 9 additional clusters with data from the literature. Careful attention is paid to the matching of spectroscopic and photometric data from several sources. For six clusters in the PP supercluster no significant peculiar motions are detected. For these clusters we derive a bulk motion of 60 +/- 220 km/s, in the CMB frame, directed towards the Local Group. This non-detection is in marginal conflict with previous Tully-Fisher studies. Two clusters in the background of the supercluster exhibit significant negative peculiar velocities, characteristic of backside infall into PP. A bulk-flow fit to all 16 clusters reveals a statistically insignificant motion of 430 +/- 280 km/s towards l=265, b=26 (CMB frame). Comparison with the velocity field predicted from the IRAS 1.2Jy survey yields beta = 1.0 +/- 0.5. We find no evidence for residual bulk motions generated by mass concentrations beyond the limiting depth of the IRAS density field.
