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Observation of Cosmological Time Dilation using Type Ia Supernovae as Clocks

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 Added by Saul Perlmutter
 Publication date 1996
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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This work is based on the first results from a systematic search for high redshift Type Ia supernovae. Using filters in the R-band we discovered seven such SNe, with redshift z = 0.3 - 0.5, before or at maximum light. Type Ia SNe are known to be a homogeneous group of SNe, to first order, with very similar light curves, spectra and peak luminosities. In this talk we report that the light curves we observe are all broadened (time dilated) as expected from the expanding universe hypothesis. Small variations from the expected 1+z broadening of the light curve widths can be attributed to a width-brightness correlation that has been observed for nearby SNe (z<0.1). We show in this talk the first clear observation of the cosmological time dilation for macroscopic objects.

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407 - A. G. Riess 1997
We have developed a quantitative, empirical method for estimating the age of Type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) from a single spectral epoch. The technique examines the goodness of fit of spectral features as a function of the temporal evolution of a large database of SNe Ia spectral features. When a SN Ia spectrum with good signal-to-noise ratio over the rest frame range 3800 to 6800 A is available, the precision of a spectral feature age (SFA) is (1-sigma) ~ 1.4 days. SFA estimates are made for two spectral epochs of SN 1996bj (z=0.574) to measure the rate of aging at high redshift. In the 10.05 days which elapsed between spectral observations, SN 1996bj aged 3.35 $pm$ 3.2 days, consistent with the 6.38 days of aging expected in an expanding Universe and inconsistent with no time dilation at the 96.4 % confidence level. The precision to which individual features constrain the supernova age has implications for the source of inhomogeneities among SNe Ia.
190 - D. Andrew Howell 2010
Empirically, Type Ia supernovae are the most useful, precise, and mature tools for determining astronomical distances. Acting as calibrated candles they revealed the presence of dark energy and are being used to measure its properties. However, the nature of the SN Ia explosion, and the progenitors involved, have remained elusive, even after seven decades of research. But now new large surveys are bringing about a paradigm shift --- we can finally compare samples of hundreds of supernovae to isolate critical variables. As a result of this, and advances in modeling, breakthroughs in understanding all aspects of SNe Ia are finally starting to happen.
We introduce a method for identifying twin Type Ia supernovae, and using them to improve distance measurements. This novel approach to Type Ia supernova standardization is made possible by spectrophotometric time series observations from the Nearby Supernova Factory (SNfactory). We begin with a well-measured set of supernovae, find pairs whose spectra match well across the entire optical window, and then test whether this leads to a smaller dispersion in their absolute brightnesses. This analysis is completed in a blinded fashion, ensuring that decisions made in implementing the method do not inadvertently bias the result. We find that pairs of supernovae with more closely matched spectra indeed have reduced brightness dispersion. We are able to standardize this initial set of SNfactory supernovae to 0.083 +/- 0.012 magnitudes, implying a dispersion of 0.072 +/- 0.010 magnitudes in the absence of peculiar velocities. We estimate that with larger numbers of comparison SNe, e.g, using the final SNfactory spectrophotometric dataset as a reference, this method will be capable of standardizing high-redshift supernovae to within 0.06-0.07 magnitudes. These results imply that at least 3/4 of the variance in Hubble residuals in current supernova cosmology analyses is due to previously unaccounted-for astrophysical differences among the supernovae
The existing set of type Ia supernovae (SNe Ia) is now sufficient to detect oscillatory deviations from the canonical $Lambda$CDM cosmology. We determine that the Fourier spectrum of the Pantheon data set of spectroscopically well-observed SNe Ia is consistent with the predictions of $Lambda$CDM. We also develop and describe two complementary techniques for using SNe Ia to constrain those alternate cosmological models that predict deviations from $Lambda$CDM that are oscillatory in conformal time. The first technique uses the reduced $chi^2$ statistic to determine the likelihood that the observed data would result from a given model. The second technique uses bootstrap analysis to determine the likelihood that the Fourier spectrum of a proposed model could result from statistical fluctuations around $Lambda$CDM. We constrain three oscillatory alternate cosmological models: one in which the dark energy equation of state parameter oscillates around the canonical value of $w_{Lambda} = -1$, one in which the energy density of dark energy oscillates around its $Lambda$CDM value, and one in which gravity derives from a scalar field evolving under an oscillatory coupling. We further determine that any alternate cosmological model that produces distance modulus residuals with a Fourier amplitude of $simeq 36$ millimags is strongly ruled out, given the existing data, for frequencies between $simeq 0.08 textrm{Gyr}^ {-1} h_{100}$ and $simeq 80 textrm{Gyr}^ {-1} h_{100}$.
Accurate standardisation of Type Ia supernovae (SNIa) is instrumental to the usage of SNIa as distance indicators. We analyse a homogeneous sample of 22 low-z SNIa, observed by the Carnegie Supernova Project (CSP) in the optical and near infra-red (NIR). We study the time of the second peak in the NIR band due to re-brightening, t2, as an alternative standardisation parameter of SNIa peak brightness. We use BAHAMAS, a Bayesian hierarchical model for SNIa cosmology, to determine the residual scatter in the Hubble diagram. We find that in the absence of a colour correction, t2 is a better standardisation parameter compared to stretch: t2 has a 1 sigma posterior interval for the Hubble residual scatter of [0.250, 0.257] , compared to [0.280, 0.287] when stretch (x1) alone is used. We demonstrate that when employed together with a colour correction, t2 and stretch lead to similar residual scatter. Using colour, stretch and t2 jointly as standardisation parameters does not result in any further reduction in scatter, suggesting that t2 carries redundant information with respect to stretch and colour. With a much larger SNIa NIR sample at higher redshift in the future, t2 could be a useful quantity to perform robustness checks of the standardisation procedure.
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