The WARPS survey for faint Clusters of Galaxies

Abstract in English

The WARPS cluster survey is based on the ROSAT PSPC archive of pointed observations. It includes extended X-ray sources, detected with the Voronoi Tessellation and Percolation algorithm (VTP), and point-like X-ray sources with non-stellar optical counterparts. It is designed to minimize selection effects whilst covering a large area of sky. The aims of the survey are to (a) measure the low luminosity (<10^44 ergs^-1), high redshift (z>0.2) X-ray luminosity function of clusters and groups, and (b) investigate cluster morphologies and unusual systems (e.g. merging clusters). In an initial 13 sq deg (66 fields) we have found 22 extended X-ray sources with detected flux >7x10^-14 erg cm^-2s^-1 (0.5-2.0keV) and sizes of 1 to 5 arcmin. Optically they range from a single bright nearby galaxy which has been resolved, an Abell cluster which is revealed to have two (probably merging) components and groups and clusters of galaxies at estimated redshifts beyond z=0.4.
