Recent Developments in Gravitational Microlensing and the Latest MACHO Results: Microlensing Towards the Galactic Bulge

Abstract in English

We review recent gravitational microlensing results from the EROS, MACHO, and OGLE collaborations, and present some details of the very latest MACHO results toward the Galactic Bulge. The MACHO collaboration has now discovered in excess of 40 microlensing events toward the Galactic Bulge during the 1993 observing season. A preliminary analysis of this data suggests a much higher microlensing optical depth than predicted by standard galactic models suggesting that these models will have to be revised. This may have important implications for the structure of the Galaxy and its dark halo. Also shown are MACHO data of the first microlensing event ever detected substantially before peak amplification, the first detection of parallax effects in a microlensing event, and the first caustic crossing to be resolved in a microlensing event.
