Carbon Stars and C/M Ratio in the WLM Dwarf Irregular Galaxy

Abstract in English

We identify the rich Carbon star population of the Magellanic-type dwarf irregular galaxy WLM (Wolf-Lundmark-Melotte) and study its photometric properties from deep near-IR observations. The galaxy exhibits also a clear presence of Oxygen rich population. We derive a Carbon to M-star ratio of C/M=0.56(+/-0.12), relatively high in comparison with many galaxies. The spatial distribution of the AGB stars in WLM hints at the presence of two stellar complexes with a size of a few hundred parsecs. Using the HI map of WLM and the derived gas-to-dust ratio for this galaxy we re-determined the distance modulus of WLM from the IR photometry of four known Cepheids, obtaining (m-M)o=24.84(+/-0.14) mag. In addition, we determine the scale length of 0.75(+/-)0.14 kpc of WLM disk in J-band.
