Integral Field Spectroscopy of Extended Emission-Line Regions around QSOs

Abstract in English

Luminous extended emission-line regions (EELRs) on kpc scales surround a substantial fraction of steep-spectrum radio-loud QSOs. Although their existence has been known for over three decades, there are still major uncertainties on the physical processes responsible for their complex morphology and kinematics. We are obtaining deep integral field spectroscopy for a sample of EELRs around QSOs at z<0.5 with the Integral Field Unit (IFU) of the GMOS on the Gemini North telescope, aiming at extracting accurate kinematics of the EELRs, measuring important physical parameters (e.g., density, temperature, metallicity) and reliable intensity ratios of diagnostic emission lines from individual clouds that comprise an EELR. Here we present results from the observations of the EELR of quasar 4C 37.43. We show maps of gas kinematics measured from the [O III] 5007 line and line-ratio diagnostic diagrams comparing the data with predictions from ionization models. We find that the ionized gas shows rather complex global kinematics, while linear velocity gradients are often seen in individual clouds. Pure photoionization by the QSO continuum is the most likely ionization mechanism for most of the EELR clouds.
