Probing Protoplanetary Disks with Silicate Emission: Where is the silicate emission zone?

Abstract in English

Recent results indicate that the grain size and crystallinity inferred from observations of silicate features may be correlated with spectral type of the central star and/or disk geometry. In this paper, we show that grain size, as probed by the 10 um silicate feature peak-to-continuum and 11.3-to-9.8 um flux ratios, is inversely proportional to log L_star. These trends can be understood using a simple two-layer disk model for passive irradiated flaring disks, CGPLUS. We find that the radius, R_10, of the 10 um silicate emission zone in the disk goes as (L_star/L_sun)^0.56, with slight variations depending on disk geometry (flaring angle, inner disk radius). The observed correlations, combined with simulated emission spectra of olivine and pyroxene mixtures, imply a grain size dependence on luminosity. Combined with the fact that R_10 is smaller for less luminous stars, this implies that the apparent grain size of the emitting dust is larger for low-luminositysources. In contrast, our models suggest that the crystallinity is only marginally affected, because for increasing luminosity, the zone for thermal annealing (assumed to be at T>800 K) is enlarged by roughly the same factor as the silicate emission zone. The observed crystallinity is affected by disk geometry, however, with increased crystallinity in flat disks. The apparent crystallinity may also increase with grain growth due to a corresponding increase in contrast between crystalline and amorphous silicate emission bands.
