Redshift Filtering by Swift Apparent X-ray Column Density

Abstract in English

We remark on the utility of an observational relation between the absorption column density in excess of the Galactic absorption column density, $Delta N_{rm H} = N_{rm H, fit} - N_{rm H, gal}$, and redshift, z, determined from all 55 Swift-observed long bursts with spectroscopic redshifts as of 2006 December. The absorption column densities, $N_{rm H, fit}$, are determined from powerlaw fits to the X-ray spectra with the absorption column density left as a free parameter. We find that higher excess absorption column densities with $Delta N_{rm H} > 2times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ are only present in bursts with redshifts z$<$2. Low absorption column densities with $Delta N_{rm H} < 1times 10^{21}$ cm$^{-2}$ appear preferentially in high-redshift bursts. Our interpretation is that this relation between redshift and excess column density is an observational effect resulting from the shift of the source rest-frame energy range below 1 keV out of the XRT observable energy range for high redshift bursts. We found a clear anti-correlation between $Delta N_{rm H}$ and z that can be used to estimate the range of the maximum redshift of an afterglow. A critical application of our finding is that rapid X-ray observations can be used to optimize the instrumentation used for ground-based optical/NIR follow-up observations. Ground-based spectroscopic redshift measurements of as many bursts as possible are crucial for GRB science.
