The Stellar Populations of M33s Outer Regions II: Deep ACS Imaging

Abstract in English

Studying the stellar populations in the outskirts of spiral galaxies can provide important constraints on their structure, formation, and evolution. To that end, we present VI photometry obtained with the Advanced Camera for Surveys for three fields located ~ 20 - 30 in projected distance southeast of M33s nucleus (corresponding to ~ 4 - 6 visual scale lengths or ~ 9 - 13 kpc in deprojected radius). The color-magnitude diagrams reveal a mixed stellar population whose youngest constituents have ages no greater than ~ 100 Myr and whose oldest members have ages of at least several Gyr. The presence of stars as massive as 3 - 5 Msun is consistent with global star formation thresholds in disk galaxies but could argue for a threshold in M33 that is on the low end of observational and theoretical expectations. The metallicity gradient as inferred by comparing the observed red giant branch (RGB) to the Galactic globular clusters is consistent with M33s inner disk gradient traced by several other studies. The surface density of RGB stars drops off exponentially with a radial scale length of 4.7 +/- 0.1. The scale length increases with age in a manner similar to the vertical scale height of several nearby late-type spirals. Based on the metallicity gradient, density gradient, and mixed nature of the stellar populations, we conclude these fields are dominated by a disk population although we cannot rule out the presence of a small halo component.
