FUSE Spectroscopy of the DAO-type Central Star LS V+4621: Looking for the Photosphere in the Sea of Interstellar Absorption

Abstract in English

The far-ultraviolet spectrum of the DAO White Dwarf LS V+4621, the exciting star of the possible planetary nebula Sh 2-216,is strongly contaminated by absorption features from the interstellar medium (ISM). For an ongoing spectral analysis, we aim to extract the pure photospheric spectrum in order to identify and model metal lines of species which are not detectable in the near-ultraviolet wavelength range. We have modeled the interstellar absorption precisely and considered it for the simulation of the FUSE (Far Ultraviolet Spectroscopic Explorer) observation. A state-of-the-art NLTE model-atmosphere spectrum which includes 16 elements is combined with the ISM absorption and then compared with the FUSE spectrum.
