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The Evolving Luminosity Function of Red Galaxies

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 Added by Michael J. I. Brown
 Publication date 2006
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We trace the assembly history of red galaxies since z=1, by measuring their evolving space density with the B-band luminosity function. Our sample of 39599 red galaxies, selected from 6.96 square degrees of imaging from the NOAO Deep Wide-Field and Spitzer IRAC Shallow surveys, is an order of magnitude larger, in size and volume, than comparable samples in the literature. We measure a higher space density of z=0.9 red galaxies than some of the recent literature, in part because we account for the faint yet significant galaxy flux which falls outside of our photometric aperture. The B-band luminosity density of red galaxies, which effectively measures the evolution of ~L* galaxies, increases by only 36 percent from z=0 to z=1. If red galaxy stellar populations have faded by 1.24 B-band magnitudes since z=1, the stellar mass contained within the red galaxy population has roughly doubled over the past 8 Gyr. This is consistent with star-forming galaxies being transformed into ~L* red galaxies after a decline in their star formation rates. In contrast, the evolution of 4L* red galaxies differs only slightly from a model with negligible star formation and no galaxy mergers since z=1. If this model approximates the luminosity evolution of red galaxy stellar populations, then 80 percent of the stellar mass contained within todays 4L* red galaxies was already in place at z=0.7. While red galaxy mergers have been observed, such mergers do not produce rapid growth of 4L* red galaxy stellar masses between z=1 and the present day.

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178 - Philip F. Hopkins 2005
(Abridged) We study the link between quasars and the red galaxy population using a model for the self-regulated growth of supermassive black holes in mergers involving gas-rich galaxies. Using a model for quasar lifetimes and evolution motivated by hydrodynamical simulations of galaxy mergers, we de-convolve the observed quasar luminosity function at various redshifts to determine the rate of formation of black holes of a given final mass. Identifying quasar activity with the formation of spheroids in the framework of the merger hypothesis, this enables us to deduce the corresponding rate of formation of spheroids with given properties as a function of redshift. This allows us to predict, for the red galaxy population, the distribution of galaxy velocity dispersions, the mass function, mass density, star formation rates, the luminosity function in many observed wavebands (NUV, U, B, V, R, I, J, H, K), the total red galaxy number density and luminosity density, the distribution of colors as a function of magnitude and velocity dispersion for several different wavebands, the distribution of mass to light ratios vs. mass, the luminosity-size relations, and the typical ages and distribution of ages (formation redshifts) as a function of both mass and luminosity. For each of these quantities, we predict the evolution from redshift z=0-6. Each of our predictions agrees well with existing observations, without the addition of tunable parameters; the essential observational inputs come from the observed quasar luminosity function. These predictions are skewed by several orders of magnitude if we adopt simpler, traditional models of quasar lifetimes in which quasars turn on/off or follow simple exponential light curves, instead of the more complicated evolution implied by our simulations.
We measure the evolution of the luminous red galaxy (LRG) luminosity function in the redshift range 0.1<z<0.9 using samples of galaxies from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey as well as new spectroscopy of high-redshift massive red galaxies. Our high-redshift sample of galaxies is largest spectroscopic sample of massive red galaxies at z~0.9 collected to date and covers 7 square deg, minimizing the impact of large scale structure on our results. We find that the LRG population has evolved little beyond the passive fading of its stellar populations since z~0.9. Based on our luminosity function measurements and assuming a non-evolving Salpeter stellar initial mass function, we find that the most massive (L>3L*) red galaxies have grown by less than 50% (at 99% confidence), since z=0.9, in stark contrast to the factor of 2-4 growth observed in the L* red galaxy population over the same epoch. We also investigate the evolution of the average LRG spectrum since z~0.9 and find the high-redshift composite to be well-described as a passively evolving example of the composite galaxy observed at low-redshift. From spectral fits to the composite spectra, we find at most 5% of the stellar mass in massive red galaxies may have formed within 1Gyr of z=0.9. While L* red galaxies are clearly assembled at z<1, 3L* galaxies appear to be largely in place and evolve little beyond the passive evolution of their stellar populations over the last half of cosmic history.
The mass-loss rates of red supergiant stars (RSGs) are poorly constrained by direct measurements, and yet the subsequent evolution of these stars depends critically on how much mass is lost during the RSG phase. In 2012 the Geneva evolutionary group updated their mass-loss prescription for RSGs with the result that a 20 solar mass star now loses 10x more mass during the RSG phase than in the older models. Thus, higher mass RSGs evolve back through a second yellow supergiant phase rather than exploding as Type II-P supernovae, in accord with recent observations (the so-called RSG Problem). Still, even much larger mass-loss rates during the RSG phase cannot be ruled out by direct measurements of their current dust-production rates, as such mass-loss is episodic. Here we test the models by deriving a luminosity function for RSGs in the nearby spiral galaxy M31 which is sensitive to the total mass loss during the RSG phase. We carefully separate RSGs from asymptotic giant branch stars in the color-magnitude diagram following the recent method exploited by Yang and collaborators in their Small Magellanic Cloud studies. Comparing our resulting luminosity function to that predicted by the evolutionary models shows that the new prescription for RSG mass-loss does an excellent job of matching the observations, and we can readily rule out significantly larger values.
We constructed a local luminosity function (LF) of galaxies using a flux-limited sample (S_170 > 0.195Jy) of 55 galaxies at z < 0.3 taken from the ISO FIRBACK survey at 170um. The overall shape of the 170-um LF is found to be different from that of the total 60-um LF (Takeuchi et al. 2003): the bright end of the LF declines more steeply than that of the 60-um LF. This behavior is quantitatively similar to the LF of the cool subsample of the IRAS PSCz galaxies. We also estimated the strength of the evolution of the LF by assuming the pure luminosity evolution (PLE): L(z) propto (1+z)^Q. We obtained Q=5.0^{+2.5}_{-0.5} which is similar to the value obtained by recent Spitzer observations, in spite of the limited sample size. Then, integrating over the 170-um LF, we obtained the local luminosity density at 170um, rho_L(170um). A direct integration of the LF gives rho_L(170um) = 1.1 times 10^8 h Lsun Mpc^{-3}, whilst if we assume a strong PLE with Q=5, the value is 5.2 times 10^7 h Lsun Mpc^{-3}. This is a considerable contribution to the local FIR luminosity density. By summing up with other available infrared data, we obtained the total dust luminosity density in the Local Universe, rho_L(dust)=1.1 times 10^8 h Lsun Mpc^{-3}. Using this value, we estimated the cosmic star formation rate (SFR) density hidden by dust in the Local Universe. We obtained rho_SFR(dust) simeq 1.1-1.2 h times 10^{-2} Msun yr^{-1} Mpc^{-3}$, which means that 58.5% of the star formation is obscured by dust in the Local Universe.
We examine a sample of low redshift (10 < d < 150 Mpc) galaxies including galaxies with r-band absolute magnitudes as faint as -12.5 (for h=1), selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 2 (SDSS). The sample is unique in containing galaxies of extremely low luminosities in a wide range of environments, selected with uniform and well-understood criteria. We present the luminosity function as well as the broad-band properties of low luminosity galaxies in this sample. A Schechter function is an insufficient parameterization of the r-band luminosity function; there is an upturn in the slope at low luminosities. The resulting slope at low luminosities in this sample is around -1.3. However, we almost certainly miss a large number of galaxies at very low luminosities due to low surface brightness selection effects, and we estimate that the true low luminosity slope may be as steep or steeper than -1.5. The results here are consistent with previous SDSS results and, in the g-band, roughly consistent with the results of the Two degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey. Extremely low luminosity galaxies are predominantly blue, low surface brightness, exponential disks.
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