Molecular Line Observations of Infrared Dark Clouds: Seeking the Precursors to Intermediate and Massive Star Formation

Abstract in English

We have identified 41 infrared dark clouds from the 8 micron maps of the Midcourse Space Experiment (MSX), selected to be found within one square degree areas centered on known ultracompact HII regions. We have mapped these infrared dark clouds in N2H+(1-0), CS(2-1) and C18O(1-0) emission using the Five College Radio Astronomy Observatory. The maps of the different species often show striking differences in morphologies, indicating differences in evolutionary state and/or the presence of undetected, deeply embedded protostars. We derive an average mass for these clouds using N2H+ column densities of ~2500 solar masses, a value comparable to that found in previous studies of high mass star forming cores using other mass tracers. The linewidths of these clouds are typically ~2.0 - 2.9 km/s. Based on the fact that they are dark at 8 micron, compact, massive, and have large velocity dispersions, we suggest that these clouds may be the precursor sites of intermediate and high mass star formation.
