A far-infrared molecular and atomic line survey of the Orion KL region

Abstract in English

We have carried out a high spectral resolution line survey towards the Orion Kleinmann-Low (KL) cluster from 44-188 um. The observations were taken with the Long Wavelength Spectrometer (LWS) in Fabry-Perot mode, on board the Infrared Space Observatory (ISO). A total of 152 lines are clearly detected and a further 34 features are present as possible detections. The spectrum is dominated by the molecular species H2O, OH and CO, along with [OI] and [CII] lines from PDR or shocked gas and [OIII], [NIII] lines from the foreground M42 HII region. Several isotopic species, as well as NH3, are also detected. HDO and H3O+ are tentatively detected for the first time in the far-infrared range towards Orion-KL. A basic analysis of the line observations is carried out, by comparing with previous measurements and published models and deriving rotational temperatures and column densities in the case of the molecular species. The complexity of the region requires more sophisticated models for the interpretation of all the line observations.
