First results from the VIMOS-IFU survey of gravitationally lensing clusters at z~0.2

Abstract in English

We present the on-going observational program of a VIMOS Integral Field Unit survey of the central regions of massive, gravitational lensing galaxy clusters at redshift z~0.2. We have observed six clusters using the low-resolution blue grism (R about 200), and the spectroscopic survey is complemented by a wealth of photometric data, including Hubble Space Telescope optical data and near infrared VLT data. The principal scientific aims of this project are: the study of the high-z lensed galaxies, the transformation and evolution of galaxies in cluster cores and the use of multiple images to constrain cosmography. We briefly report here on the first results from this project on the clusters Abell 2667 and Abell 68.
