Shear Viscosity and Oscillations of Neutron Star Crusts

Abstract in English

We calculate the electron shear viscosity (determined by Coulomb electron collisions) for a dense matter in a wide range of parameters typical for white dwarf cores and neutron star crusts. In the density range from ~10^3 g cm^-3 to 10^7-10^10 g cm^-3 we consider the matter composed of widely abundant astrophysical elements, from H to Fe. For higher densities, 10^10-10^14 g cm^-3, we employ the ground-state nuclear composition, taking into account finite sizes of atomic nuclei and the distribution of proton charge over the nucleus. Numerical values of the viscosity are approximated by an analytic expression convenient for applications. Using the approximation of plane-parallel layer we study eigenfrequencies, eigenmodes and viscous damping times of oscillations of high multipolarity, l~500-1000, localized in the outer crust of a neutron star. For instance, at l~500 oscillations have frequencies f >= 40 kHz and are localized not deeper than ~300 m from the surface. When the crust temperature decreases from 10^9 K to 10^7 K, the dissipation time of these oscillations (with a few radial nodes) decreases from ~1 year to 10-15 days.
