A new XMM-Newton observation of Pictor A radio lobes confirms the non-thermal origin of the X-ray emission

Abstract in English

X-ray emission from the eastern radio lobe of the FRII Radio Galaxy Pictor A was serendipitously discovered by a short observation of XMM-Newton in 2001. The X-ray spectrum, accumulated on a region covering about half of the entire radio lobe, was well described by both a thermal model and a power law, making non-univocal the physical interpretation. A new XMM-Newton observation performed in 2005 has allowed the detection of the X-ray emission from both radio lobes and unambiguously revealed its non-thermal origin. The X-ray emission is due to Inverse Compton (IC) of the cosmic microwave background photons by relativistic electrons in the lobe. We confirm the discrepancy between the magnetic field, as deduced from the comparison of the IC X-ray and radio fluxes, and the equipartition value.
