Colors of Luminous Bulges in Cluster MS1054-03 and Field Galaxies at Redshifts z ~ 0.83

Abstract in English

Using HST images, we separate the bulge-like (pbulge) and disk-like (pdisk) components of 71 galaxies in the rich cluster MS1054-03 and of 21 in the field. Our key finding is that luminous pbulges are very red with restframe U-B ~ 0.45, while predicted colors are bluer by 0.20 mag. Moreover, these very red colors appear to be independent of environment, pbulge luminosity, pdisk color, and pbulge fraction. These results challenge any models of hierarchical galaxy formation that predict the colors of distant (z ~ 0.8) luminous field and cluster bulges would differ. Our findings also disagree with other claims that 30% to 50% of bright bulges and ellipticals at z ~ 1 are very blue (U-B < 0).
