HESS J1825-137: A pulsar wind nebula associated with PSR B1823-13?

Abstract in English

HESS J1825-137 was detected with a significance of 8.1 $sigma$ in the Galactic Plane survey conducted with the H.E.S.S. instrument in 2004. Both HESS J1825-137 and the X-ray pulsar wind nebula G18.0--0.7 (associated with the Vela-like pulsar PSR B1823-13) are offset south of the pulsar, which may be the result of the SNR expanding into an inhomogeneous medium. The TeV size ($sim 35$ pc, for a distance of 4 kpc) is $sim 6$ times larger than the X-ray size, which may be the result of propagation effects as a result of the longer lifetime of TeV emitting electrons, compared to the relatively short lifetime of keV synchrotron emitting electrons. The TeV photon spectral index of $sim 2.4$ can also be related to the extended PWN X-ray synchrotron photon index of $sim 2.3$, if this spectrum is dominated by synchrotron cooling. The anomalously large size of the pulsar wind nebula can be explained if the pulsar was born with a relatively large initial spindown power and braking index $nsim 2$, provided that the SNR expanded into the hot ISM with relatively low density ($sim 0.003$ cm$^{-3}$).
