An Initial Look at the Far Infrared-Radio Correlation within Nearby Star-forming Galaxies using the Spitzer Space Telescope

Abstract in English

(Abridged) We present an initial look at the far infrared-radio correlation within the star-forming disks of four nearby, nearly face-on galaxies (NGC 2403, NGC 3031, NGC 5194, and NGC 6946). Using Spitzer MIPS imaging and WSRT radio continuum data, observed as part of the Spitzer Infrared Nearby Galaxies Survey (SINGS), we are able to probe variations in the logarithmic 24mu/22cm (q_24) and 70mu/22cm (q_70) surface brightness ratios across each disk at sub-kpc scales. We find general trends of decreasing q_24 and q_70 with declining surface brightness and with increasing radius. The residual dispersion around the trend of q_24 and q_70 versus surface brightness is smaller than the residual dispersion around the trend of q_24 and q_70 versus radius, on average by ~0.1 dex, indicating that the distribution of star formation sites is more important in determining the infrared/radio disk appearance than the exponential profiles of disks. We have also performed preliminary phenomenological modeling of cosmic ray electron (CRe^-) diffusion using an image-smearing technique, and find that smoothing the infrared maps improves their correlation with the radio maps. Exponential kernels tend to work better than Gaussian kernels which suggests that additional processes besides simple random-walk diffusion in three dimensions must affect the evolution of CRe^-s. The best fit smoothing kernels for the two less active star-forming galaxies (NGC 2403 and NGC 3031) have much larger scale-lengths than those of the more active star-forming galaxies (NGC 5194 and NGC 6946). This difference may be due to the relative deficit of recent CRe^- injection into the interstellar medium (ISM) for the galaxies having largely quiescent disks.
