Spectroscopic abundance analysis of dwarfs in young open cluster IC 4665

Abstract in English

We report a detailed spectroscopic abundance analysis for a sample of 18 F-K dwarfs of the young open cluster IC 4665. Stellar parameters and element abundances of Li, O, Mg, Si, Ca, Ti, Cr, Fe and Ni have been derived using the spectroscopic synthesis tool SME (Spectroscopy Made Easy). Within the measurement uncertainties the iron abundance is uniform with a standard deviation of 0.04 dex. No correlation is found between the iron abundance and the mass of the stellar convective zone, and between the Li abundance and the Fe abundance. In other words, our results do not reveal any signature of accretion and therefore do not support the scenario that stars with planets (SWPs) acquire their on the average higher metallicity compared to field stars via accretion of metal-rich planetary material. Instead the higher metallicity of SWPs may simply reflect the fact that planet formation is more efficient in high metallicity environs. However, since that many details of the planet system formation processes remain poorly understood, further studies are needed for a final settlement of the problem of the high metallicity of SWPs. The standard deviation of [Fe/H] deduced from our observations, taken as an upper limit on the metallicity dispersion amongst the IC 4665 member stars, has been used to constrain proto-planetary disk evolution, terrestrial and giant planets formation and evolution processes. Our results do not support the possibility that the migration of gas giants and the circularization of terrestrial planets orbits are regulated by their interaction with a residual population of planetesimals and dust particles.
