The KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey. V. H-alpha-selected Survey List 3

Abstract in English

The KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS) is an objective-prism survey designed to detect extragalactic emission-line objects. It combines many of the features of previous slitless spectroscopic surveys with the advantages of modern CCD detectors, and is the first purely digital objective-prism survey for emission-line galaxies (ELGs). Here we present the third list of ELG candidates selected from our red spectral data, which cover the wavelength range 6400 to 7200 A. In most cases, the detected emission line is H-alpha. The current survey list covers the region of the NOAO Deep Wide-Field Survey (NDWFS). This survey covers two fields; the first is 3 x 3 degrees square and located at RA = 14h 30m, DEC = 34.5 deg (B1950), the second is 2.3 x 4.0 degrees and centered at RA = 2h 7.5m, DEC = -4.75 deg. A total area of 19.65 deg^2 is covered by the KISS data. A total of 261 candidate emission-line objects have been selected for inclusion in the survey list (13.3 per deg^2). We tabulate accurate coordinates and photometry for each source, as well as estimates of the redshift, emission-line flux and line equivalent width based on measurements of the digital objective-prism spectra. The properties of the KISS ELGs are examined using the available observational data. When combined with the wealth of multi-wavelength data already available for the NDWFS fields, the current list of KISS ELGs should provide a valuable tool for studying star-formation and nuclear activity in galaxies in the local universe.
