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The X-ray Properties of M101 ULX-1 = CXOKM101 J140332.74+542102

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 Added by Koji Mukai
 Publication date 2005
  fields Physics
and research's language is English
 Authors K. Mukai

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We report our analysis of X-ray data on M101 ULX-1, concentrating on high state Chandra and XMM-Newton observations. We find that the high state of M101 ULX-1 may have a preferred recurrence timescale. If so, the underlying clock may have periods around 160 or 190 days, or possibly around 45 days. Its short-term variations resemble those of X-ray binaries at high accretion rate. If this analogy is correct, we infer that the accretor is a 20-40 Msun object. This is consistent with our spectral analysis of the high state spectra of M101 ULX-1, from which we find no evidence for an extreme (> 10^40 ergs/s) luminosity. We present our interpretation in the framework of a high mass X-ray binary system consisting of a B supergiant mass donor and a large stellar-mass black hole.

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556 - Rong-Feng Shen 2014
The nature of ultra-luminous X-ray sources (ULXs) has long been plagued by an ambiguity about whether the central compact objects are intermediate-mass (IMBH, >~ 10^3 M_sun) or stellar-mass (a few tens M_sun) black holes (BHs). The high luminosity (~ 10^39 erg/s) and super-soft spectrum (T ~ 0.1 keV) during the high state of the ULX source X-1 in the galaxy M101 suggest a large emission radius (>~ 10^9 cm), consistent with being an IMBH accreting at a sub-Eddington rate. However, recent kinematic measurement of the binary orbit of this source and identification of the secondary as a Wolf-Rayet star suggest a stellar-mass BH primary with a super-Eddington accretion. If that is the case, a hot, optically thick outflow from the BH can account for the large emission radius and the soft spectrum. By considering the interplay of photons absorption and scattering opacities, we determine the radius and mass density of the emission region of the outflow and constrain the outflow mass loss rate. The analysis presented here can be potentially applied to other ULXs with thermally dominated spectra, and to other super-Eddington accreting sources.
66 - Zhu Liu 2019
We report the X-ray data analysis of two transient ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs, hereafter X1 and X2) located in the nearby galaxy NGC 7090. While they were not detected in the 2004 XMM-Newton and 2005 Chandra observations, their 0.3-10 keV X-ray luminosities reached $>3times10^{39},mathrm{erg,s^{-1}}$ in later XMM-Newton or Swift observations, showing increases in flux by a factor of $>80$ and $>300$ for X1 and X2, respectively. X1 showed indications of spectral variability: at the highest luminosity, its X-ray spectra can be fitted with a powerlaw ($Gamma=1.55pm0.15$), or a multicolour disc model with $T_{mathrm{in}}=2.07^{+0.30}_{-0.23}$ keV; the X-ray spectrum became softer ($Gamma=2.67^{+0.69}_{-0.64}$), or cooler ($T_mathrm{in}=0.64^{+0.28}_{-0.17}$ keV) at lower luminosity. No strong evidence for spectral variability was found for X2. Its X-ray spectra can be fitted with a simple powerlaw model ($Gamma=1.61^{+0.55}_{-0.50}$), or a multicolour disc model ($1.69^{+1.17}_{-0.48}$ keV). A possible optical counterpart for X1 is revealed in HST imaging. No optical variability is found, indicating that the optical radiation may be dominated by the companion star. Future X-ray and optical observations are necessary to determine the true nature of the compact object.
73 - L. P. Jenkins 2004
We present the global X-ray properties of the point source population in the grand-design spiral galaxy M101, as seen with XMM-Newton. 108 X-ray sources are detected within the D25 ellipse of M101, of which ~24 are estimated to be background sources. Multiwavelength cross-correlations show that 20 sources are coincident with HII regions and/or supernova remnants (SNRs), 7 have identified/candidate background galaxy counterparts, 6 are coincident with foreground stars and one has a radio counterpart. We apply an X-ray colour classification scheme to split the source population into different types. Approximately 60 per cent of the population can be classified as X-ray binaries (XRBs), although there is source contamination from background AGN in this category as they have similar spectral shapes in the X-ray regime. Fifteen sources have X-ray colours consistent with supernova remnants (SNRs), three of which correlate with known SNR/HII radio sources. We also detect 14 candidate supersoft sources, with significant detections in the softest X-ray band (0.3-1 keV) only. Sixteen sources display short-term variability during the XMM-Newton observation, twelve of which fall into the XRB category, giving additional evidence of their accreting nature. Using archival Chandra & ROSAT HRI data, we find that ~40 per cent of the XMM sources show long-term variability over a baseline of up to ~10 years, and eight sources display potential transient behaviour between observations. Sources with significant flux variations between the XMM and Chandra observations show a mixture of softening and hardening with increasing luminosity. The spectral and timing properties of the sources coincident with M101 confirm that its X-ray source population is dominated by accreting XRBs (abridged).
Most ultraluminous X-ray sources (ULXs) are believed to be stellar mass black holes or neutron stars accreting beyond the Eddington limit. Determining the nature of the compact object and the accretion mode from broadband spectroscopy is currently a challenge, but the observed timing properties provide insight into the compact object and details of the geometry and accretion processes. Here we report a timing analysis for an 800 ks XMM-Newton campaign on the supersoft ultraluminous X-ray source, NGC 247 ULX-1. Deep and frequent dips occur in the X-ray light curve, with the amplitude increasing with increasing energy band. Power spectra and coherence analysis reveals the dipping preferentially occurs on $sim 5$ ks and $sim 10$ ks timescales. The dips can be caused by either the occultation of the central X-ray source by an optically thick structure, such as warping of the accretion disc, or from obscuration by a wind launched from the accretion disc, or both. This behaviour supports the idea that supersoft ULXs are viewed close to edge-on to the accretion disc.
343 - W. D. Pence 2001
A deep (98.2 ks) Chandra Cycle-1 observation has revealed a wealth of discrete X-ray sources as well as diffuse emission in the nearby face-on spiral galaxy M101. From this rich dataset we have created a catalog of the 110 sources from the S3 chip detected with a significance of >3 sigma, corresponding to a flux of ~1.0E-16 ergs/cm/cm/s and a luminosity of 1.0E36 ergs/s for a distance to M101 of 7.2 Mpc. The sources display a distinct correlation with the spiral arms and include a variety of X-ray binaries, supersoft sources, supernova remnants, and other objects of which only ~27 are likely to be background sources. There are only a few sources in the interarm regions, and most of these have X-ray colors consistent with that of background AGNs. The derived log N-log S relation for the sources in M101 (background subtracted) has a slope of -0.80+/-0.05 over the range of 1.0E36 - 1.0E38 ergs/s. The nucleus is resolved into 2 nearly identical X-ray sources, each with a 0.5-2.0 keV flux of 4.0E37 ergs/s. One of these sources coincides with the optical nucleus, and the other coincides with a cluster of stars 110 pc to the south.
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