Propagating Oscillatory Shock Model for QPOS in GRO J1655-40 During the March 2005 Outburst

Abstract in English

GRO 1655-40, a well known black hole candidate, showed renewed X-ray activity in March 2005 after being dormant for almost eight years. It showed very prominent quasi-periodic oscillations. We analysed the data of two observations in this {it Rapid Communication}, one taken on March 2nd, 2005 and the other taken on the March 11th, 2005. On March 2nd, 2005 the shock was weak and the QPO was seen in roughly all energies. On March 11th, 2005 the power density spectra showed that quasi-periodic oscillations (QPOs) were exhibited in harder X-rays. On the first day, the QPO was seen at 0.13Hz and on the second day, the QPO was seen at $sim 6.5$Hz with a spectral break at $sim 0.1$Hz. We analysed the QPOs for the period 25th Feb. 2005 to 12th of March, 2005 and showed that the frequency of QPO increased monotonically from 0.088Hz to 15.01Hz. This agrees well if the oscillating shock is assumed to propagate with a constant velocity. On several days we also noticed the presence of very high frequency QPOs and for the first time we detected QPOs in the 600-700Hz range, the highest frequency range so far reported for any black hole candidate.
