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Bivariate Galaxy Luminosity Functions in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey

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 Added by Nicholas M. Ball
 Publication date 2005
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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Bivariate luminosity functions (LFs) are computed for galaxies in the New York Value-Added Galaxy Catalogue, based on the Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 4. The galaxy properties investigated are the morphological type, inverse concentration index, Sersic index, absolute effective surface brightness, reference frame colours, absolute radius, eClass spectral type, stellar mass and galaxy environment. The morphological sample is flux-limited to galaxies with r < 15.9 and consists of 37,047 classifications to an RMS accuracy of +/- half a class in the sequence E, S0, Sa, Sb, Sc, Sd, Im. These were assigned by an artificial neural network, based on a training set of 645 eyeball classifications. The other samples use r < 17.77 with a median redshift of z ~ 0.08, and a limiting redshift of z < 0.15 to minimize the effects of evolution. Other cuts, for example in axis ratio, are made to minimize biases. A wealth of detail is seen, with clear variations between the LFs according to absolute magnitude and the second parameter. They are consistent with an early type, bright, concentrated, red population and a late type, faint, less concentrated, blue, star forming population. This bimodality suggests two major underlying physical processes, which in agreement with previous authors we hypothesize to be merger and accretion, associated with the properties of bulges and discs respectively. The bivariate luminosity-surface brightness distribution is fit with the Choloniewski function (a Schechter function in absolute magnitude and Gaussian in surface brightness). The fit is found to be poor, as might be expected if there are two underlying processes.

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We investigate the relationship between the mass of the central supermassive black hole, M_bh, and the host galaxy luminosity, L_gal, in a sample of quasars from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) Data Release 7 (DR7). We use composite quasar spectra binned by black hole mass and redshift to assess galaxy features that would otherwise be overwhelmed by noise in individual spectra. The black hole mass is calculated using the photoionization method, and the host galaxy luminosity is inferred from the depth of the Ca II H + K features in the composite spectra. We evaluate the evolution in the M_bh - L_gal relationship by examining the redshift dependence of Delta log M_bh, the offset in black hole mass from the local black hole - bulge relationship. There is little systematic trend in Delta log M_bh out to z = 0.8. Using the width of the [O III] emission line as a proxy for the stellar velocity dispersion, sigma_*, we find agreement of our derived host luminosities with the locally-observed Faber-Jackson relation. This supports the utility of the width of the [O III] line as a proxy for sigma_* in statistical studies.
Previous studies have shown the filamentary structures in the cosmic web influence the alignments of nearby galaxies. We study this effect in the LOWZ sample of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using the Cosmic Web Reconstruction filament catalogue. We find that LOWZ galaxies exhibit a small but statistically significant alignment in the direction parallel to the orientation of nearby filaments. This effect is detectable even in the absence of nearby galaxy clusters, which suggests it is an effect from the matter distribution in the filament. A nonparametric regression model suggests that the alignment effect with filaments extends over separations of 30-40 Mpc. We find that galaxies that are bright and early-forming align more strongly with the directions of nearby filaments than those that are faint and late-forming; however, trends with stellar mass are less statistically significant, within the narrow range of stellar mass of this sample.
202 - Nicholas M. Ball 2006
We use the Fourth Data Release of the Sloan Digital Sky Survey to investigate the relation between galaxy rest frame u-r colour, morphology, as described by the concentration and Sersic indices, and environmental density, for a sample of 79,553 galaxies at z < ~0.1. We split the samples according to density and luminosity and recover the expected bimodal distribution in the colour-morphology plane, shown especially clearly by this subsampling. We quantify the bimodality by a sum of two Gaussians on the colour and morphology axes and show that, for the red/early-type population both colour and morphology do not change significantly as a function of density. For the blue/late-type population, with increasing density the colour becomes redder but the morphology again does not change significantly. Both populations become monotonically redder and of earlier type with increasing luminosity. There is no significant qualitative difference between the behaviour of the two morphological measures. We supplement the morphological sample with 13,655 galaxies assigned Hubble types by an artificial neural network. We find, however, that the resulting distribution is less well described by two Gaussians. Therefore, there are either more than two significant morphological populations, physical processes not seen in colour space, or the Hubble type, particularly the different subtypes of spirals Sa-Sd, has an irreducible fuzziness when related to environmental density. For each of the three measures of morphology, on removing the density relation due to it, we recover a strong residual relation in colour. However, on similarly removing the colour-density relation there is no evidence for a residual relation due to morphology. [Abridged]
137 - N. Yasuda , M. Fukugita 2009
The sample of 137 low-redshift type Ia supernovae with 0.05 < z < 0.3 obtained from the SDSS-II Supernova Survey for the southern equatorial stripe of 300 square degrees is used to derive the luminosity functions of type Ia supernovae and of their host galaxies in the gri passbands. We show that the luminosity function of type Ia supernova host galaxies matches well with that of galaxies in the general field, suggesting that the occurrence of type Ia supernovae does not favour a particular type of galaxies but is predominantly proportional to the luminosity of galaxies. The only evidence that points to possible correlation between the supernova rate and star formation activity is that the supernova rate in late-type galaxies is higher than that in early-type galaxies by 31+/-35%. The sample contains 8 type Ia supernovae whose host galaxies were not identified, but it is shown that their occurrence is consistent with them occurred in low luminous galaxies beyond the survey. The luminosity function of type Ia supernovae is approximately Gaussian with the full-width half maximum being a factor of 1.4 in luminosity. The Gaussian distribution becomes tighter if the ratio of extinction to reddening, R_V, is lower than the characteristic value for the Milky Way and if luminosity is corrected for the light curve shape. The colour excess is ~0.07 mag which is significantly smaller than reddening expected for field galaxies. This colour excess does not vary with the distance of the supernovae from the centre of the host galaxy to 15 kpc. This suggests that the major part of the colour excess appears to be either intrinsic or reddening that arises in the immediate environment of supernova, rather than interstellar reddening in host galaxies.
458 - W. H. de Vries 2007
We investigate faint radio emission from low- to high-luminosity Active Galactic Nuclei (AGN) selected from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS). Their radio properties are inferred by co-adding large ensembles of radio image cut-outs from the FIRST survey, as almost all of the sources are individually undetected. We correlate the median radio flux densities against a range of other sample properties, including median values for redshift, [OIII] luminosity, emission line ratios, and the strength of the 4000A break. We detect a strong trend for sources that are actively undergoing star-formation to have excess radio emission beyond the ~10^28 ergs/s/Hz level found for sources without any discernible star-formation. Furthermore, this additional radio emission correlates well with the strength of the 4000A break in the optical spectrum, and may be used to assess the age of the star-forming component. We examine two subsamples, one containing the systems with emission line ratios most like star-forming systems, and one with the sources that have characteristic AGN ratios. This division also separates the mechanism responsible for the radio emission (star-formation vs. AGN). For both cases we find a strong, almost identical, correlation between [OIII] and radio luminosity, with the AGN sample extending toward lower, and the star-formation sample toward higher luminosities. A clearer separation between the two subsamples is seen as function of the central velocity dispersion of the host galaxy. For systems with similar redshifts and velocity dispersions, the star-formation subsample is brighter than the AGN in the radio by an order of magnitude. This underlines the notion that the radio emission in star-forming systems can dominate the emission associated with the AGN.
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