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Pulsation and evolutionary masses of classical Cepheids. I. Milky Way variables

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 Added by Giuliana Fiorentino
 Publication date 2005
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We investigate a selected sample of Galactic classical Cepheids with available distance and reddening estimates in the framework of the theoretical scenario provided by pulsation models, computed with metal abundance Z=0.02, helium content in the range of Y=0.25 to 0.31, and various choices of the stellar mass and luminosity. After transforming the bolometric light curve of the fundamental models into BVRIJK magnitudes, we derived analytical relations connecting the pulsation period with the stellar mass, the mean (intensity-averaged) absolute magnitude, and the color of the pulsators. These relations are used together with the Cepheid observed absolute magnitudes in order to determine the pulsation mass -M_p- of each individual variable. The comparison with the evolutionary masses -M_(e,can)- given by canonical (no convective core overshooting, no mass-loss) models of central He-burning stellar structures reveals that the M_p/M_(e,can) ratio is correlated with the Cepheid period, ranging from about 0.8 at logP=0.5 to about 1 at logP=1.5. We discuss the effects of different input physics and/or assumptions on the evolutionary computations, as well as of uncertainties in the adopted Cepheid metal content, distance, and reddening. Eventually, we find that the pulsational results can be interpreted in terms of mass-loss during or before the Cepheid phase, whose amount increases as the Cepheid original mass decreases. It vanishes around 13M_(sun) and increases up to about 20% at 4M_(sun).

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Flat rotation curves of spiral galaxies are considered as an evidence for dark matter, but the rotation curve of the Milky Way is difficult to measure. Various objects were used to track the rotation curve in the outer parts of the Galaxy, but most studies rely on incomplete kinematical information and inaccurate distances. Here, we use a sample of 773 Classical Cepheids with precise distances based on mid-infrared period-luminosity relations coupled with proper motions and radial velocities from Gaia to construct the accurate rotation curve of the Milky Way up to the distance of ~20 kpc from the Galactic center. We use a simple model of Galactic rotation to measure the rotation speed of the Sun Theta_0 = 233.6 +/- 2.8 km/s, assuming a prior on the distance to the Galactic center R_0 = 8.122 +/- 0.031 kpc from the Gravity Collaboration. The rotation curve at Galactocentric distances 4 < R < 20 kpc is nearly flat with a small gradient of -1.34 +/- 0.21 km/s/kpc. This is the most accurate Galactic rotation curve at distances R > 12 kpc constructed so far.
109 - G. Bono , V.F. Braga (1 2020
We discuss the observed pulsation properties of Type II Cepheids (TIICs) in the Galaxy and Magellanic Clouds. The period (P) distributions, luminosity amplitudes and population ratios of the three different sub-groups (BL Herculis[BLH, P<5 days], W Virginis [WV, 5<P<20 days], RV Tauri [RVT, P>20 days]) are quite similar in different stellar systems, suggesting a common evolutionary channel and a mild dependence on both metallicity and environment. We present a homogeneous theoretical framework based on Horizontal Branch (HB) evolutionary models, envisaging that TIICs are mainly old (t<10 Gyr), low-mass stars. The BLHs are predicted to be post early asymptotic giant branch (PEAGB) stars (double shell burning) on the verge of reaching their AGB track (first crossing of the instability strip), while WVs are a mix of PEAGB and post-AGB stars (hydrogen shell burning) moving from cool to hot (second crossing). Thus suggesting that they are a single group of variable stars. RVTs are predicted to be a mix of post-AGB stars along their second crossing (short-period tail) and thermally pulsing AGB stars (long-period tail) evolving towards their white dwarf cooling sequence. We also present several sets of synthetic HB models by assuming a bimodal mass distribution along the HB. Theory suggests, in agreement with observations, that TIIC pulsation properties marginally depend on metallicity. Predicted period distributions and population ratios for BLHs agree quite well with observations, while those for WVs and RVTs are almost a factor of two smaller and larger than observed, respectively. Moreover, the predicted period distributions for WVs peak at periods shorter than observed, while those for RVTs display a long period tail not supported by observations. We investigate several avenues to explain these differences, but more detailed calculations are required to address them.
The structure, kinematics, and chemical composition of the far side of the Milky Way disk, beyond the bulge, are still to be revealed. Classical Cepheids (CCs) are young and luminous standard candles. We aim to use a well-characterized sample of these variable stars to study the present time properties of the far side of the Galactic disk. A sample of 45 Cepheid variable star candidates were selected from near infrared time series photometry obtained by the VVV survey. We characterized this sample using high quality near infrared spectra obtained with VLT/X-Shooter, deriving radial velocities and iron abundances for all the sample Cepheids. This allowed us to separate the CCs, which are metal rich and with kinematics consistent with the disk rotation, from type II Cepheids (T2Cs), which are more metal poor and with different kinematics. We estimated individual distances and extinctions using VVV photometry and period-luminosity relations, reporting the characterization of 30 CCs located on the far side of the Galactic disk, plus 8 T2Cs mainly located in the bulge region, of which 10 CCs and 4 T2Cs are new discoveries. This is the first sizeable sample of CCs in this distant region of our Galaxy that has been spectroscopically confirmed. We use their positions, kinematics, and metallicities to confirm that the general properties of the far disk are similar to those of the well-studied disk on the solar side of the Galaxy. In addition, we derive for the first time the radial metallicity gradient on the disks far side. Considering all the CCs with $R_{mathrm{GC}} < 17,rm{kpc}$, we measure a gradient with a slope of $-0.062 , mathrm{dex, kpc^{-1}}$ and an intercept of $+0.59 , rm{dex}$, which is in agreement with previous determinations based on CCs on the near side of the disk.
With the increasing numbers of large stellar survey projects, the quality and quantity of excellent tracers to study the Milky Way is rapidly growing, one of which is the classical Cepheids. Classical Cepheids are high precision standard candles with very low typical uncertainties ($<$ 3%) available via the mid-infrared period-luminosity relation. About 3500 classical Cepheids identified from OGLE, ASAS-SN, Gaia, WISE and ZTF survey data have been analyzed in this work, and their spatial distributions show a clear signature of Galactic warp. Two kinematical methods are adopted to measure the Galactic rotation curve in the Galactocentric distance range of $4lesssim R_{rm GC} lesssim 19$ kpc. Gently declining rotation curves are derived by both the proper motion (PM) method and 3-dimensional velocity vector (3DV) method. The largest sample of classical Cepheids with most accurate 6D phase-space coordinates available to date are modeled in the 3DV method, and the resulting rotation curve is found to decline at the relatively smaller gradient of ($-1.33pm0.1$) ${rm km,s^{-1},kpc^{-1}}$. Comparing to results from the PM method, a higher rotation velocity (($232.5pm0.83$) ${rm km,s^{-1}}$) is derived at the position of Sun in the 3DV method. The virial mass and local dark matter density are estimated from the 3DV method which is the more reliable method, $M_{rm vir} = (0.822pm0.052)times 10^{12},M_odot$ and $rho_{rm DM,odot} = 0.33pm0.03$ GeV ${rm cm^{-3}}$, respectively.
We present a new Bayesian approach to constrain the intrinsic parameters (stellar mass, age) of the eclipsing binary system CEP0227 in the LMC. We computed evolutionary models covering a broad range in chemical compositions and in stellar mass. Independent sets of models were constructed either by neglecting or by including a moderate convective core overshooting (beta=0.2) during central H-burning phases. Models were also constructed either by neglecting or by assuming a canonical (eta=0.4,0.8) or an enhanced (eta=4) mass loss rate. The solutions were computed in three different planes: luminosity-temperature, mass-radius and gravity-temperature. By using the Bayes Factor, we found that the most probable solutions were obtained in the gravity-temperature plane with a Gaussian mass prior distribution. The evolutionary models constructed by assuming a moderate convective core overshooting (beta=0.2) and a canonical mass loss rate (eta=0.4) give stellar masses for the primary Cepheid M=4.14^{+0.04}_{-0.05} M_sun and for the secondary M=4.15^{+0.04}_{-0.05} M_sun that agree at the 1% level with dynamical measurements. Moreover, we found ages for the two components and for the combined system t=151^{+4}_{-3} Myr that agree at the 5% level. The solutions based on evolutionary models that neglect the mass loss attain similar parameters, while those ones based on models that either account for an enhanced mass loss or neglect convective core overshooting have lower Bayes Factors and larger confidence intervals. The dependence on the mass loss rate might be the consequence of the crude approximation we use to mimic this phenomenon. By using the isochrone of the most probable solution and a Gaussian prior on the LMC distance, we found a distance modulus 18.53^{+0.02}_{-0.02} mag and a reddening value E(B-V)= 0.142^{+0.005}_{-0.010} mag that agree well with literature estimates.
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