HST/STIS low dispersion spectroscopy of three Compact Steep Spectrum sources Evidence for jet-cloud interaction

Abstract in English

We present Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph long-slit spectroscopy of the emission line nebulae in the compact steep spectrum radio sources 3C 67, 3C 277.1, and 3C 303.1. We derive BPT (Baldwin- Philips-Terlevich; Baldwin et al. 1981) diagnostic emission line ratios for the nebulae which are consistent with a mix of shock excitation and photoionization in the extended gas. In addition, line ratios indicative of lower ionization gas are found to be associated with higher gas velocities. The results are consistent with a picture in which these galaxy scale radio sources interact with dense clouds in the interstellar medium of the host galaxies, shocking the clouds thereby ionizing and accelerating them.
