GALICS -- VI. Modelling Hierarchical Galaxy Formation in Clusters

Abstract in English

High-resolution N-body re-simulations of 15 massive (10^{14}-10^{15} Msun) dark matter haloes have been combined with the hybrid galaxy formation model GalICS (Hatton et al. 2003), to study the formation and evolution of galaxies in clusters, within the framework of the hierarchical merging scenario. New features in GalICS include a better description of galaxy positioning within dark matter haloes, a more reliable computation of the temperature of the inter-galactic medium as a function of redshift, and a description of the ram pressure stripping process. We focus on the luminosity functions, morphological fractions and colour distributions of galaxies in clusters and in cluster outskirts, at z=0. No systematic dependency on cluster richness is found either for the galaxy luminosity functions, morphological mixes, or colour distributions. Moving from higher density (cluster cores), to lower density environments (cluster outskirts), we detect a progressive flattening of the luminosity functions, an increase of the fraction of spirals and a decrease of that of ellipticals and S0s, and the progressive emergence of a bluer tail in the distributions of galaxy colours, especially for spirals. As compared to cluster spirals, early-type galaxies show a flatter luminosity function, and more homogeneous and redder colours. An overall good agreement is found between our results and the observations, particularly in terms of the cluster luminosity functions and morphological mixes. However, some discrepancies are also apparent, with too faint magnitudes of the brightest cluster members, especially in the B band, and galaxy colours tendentially too red (or not blue enough) in the model, with respect to the observations. Finally, ram pressure stripping appears to affect very little our results.
