Radio-loud and radio-quiet X-ray binaries: LSI+61o303 Galaxies

Abstract in English

The three basic ingredients - a spinning compact object, an accretion disc and a collimated relativistic jet - make microquasars a galactic scaled-down version of the radio-loud AGN. That explains the large interest attributed to this new class of objects, which up to now consists of less than 20 members. Microquasars belong to the much larger class of X-ray binary systems, where there exits a compact object together with its X-ray emitting accretion disc, but the relativistic jet is missing. When does an X-ray binary system evolve into a microquasar? Ideal for studying such kind of a transition is the periodic microquasar LSI+61deg303 formed by a compact object accreting from the equatorial wind of a Be star and with more than one event of super-critical accretion and ejection along the eccentric orbit. For ejections at periastron passage the relativistic electrons suffer severe inverse Compton losses by upscattering the UV photons of the Be star at high energy : At periastron passage Gamma-ray emission has been observed, whereas radio outbursts have never been observed in 20 years of radio flux monitoring. For ejections displaced from periastron passage the losses are less severe and radio outbursts are observed. The radio emission mapped on scales from a few AU to hundreds of AU shows a double-sided relativistic (beta=0.6c) S-shaped jet, similar to the well-known precessing jet of SS433.
