Densification of the International Celestial Reference Frame: Results of EVN Observations

Abstract in English

The current realization of the International Celestial Reference Frame (ICRF) comprises a total of 717 extragalactic radio sources distributed over the entire sky. An observing program has been developed to densify the ICRF in the northern sky using the European VLBI network (EVN) and other radio telescopes in Spitsbergen, Canada and USA. Altogether, 150 new sources selected from the Jodrell Bank-VLA Astrometric Survey were observed during three such EVN+ experiments conducted in 2000, 2002 and 2003. The sources were selected on the basis of their sky location in order to fill the empty regions of the frame. A secondary criterion was based on source compactness to limit structural effects in the astrometric measurements. All 150 new sources have been successfully detected and the precision of the estimated coordinates in right ascension and declination is better than 1 milliarcsecond (mas) for most of them. A comparison with the astrometric positions from the Very Long baseline Array Calibrator Survey for 129 common sources indicates agreement within 2 mas for 80% of the sources.
