Non-axisymmetric Structure of Accretion Disks in Be/X-ray Binaries

Abstract in English

The non-axisymmetric structure of accretion disks around the neutron star in Be/X-ray binaries is studied by analyzing the results from three dimensional (3D) Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations. It is found that ram pressure due to the phase-dependent mass transfer from the Be-star disk excites a one-armed, trailing spiral structure in the accretion disk around the neutron star. The spiral wave has a transient nature; it is excited around the periastron, when the material is transferred from the Be disk, and is gradually damped afterwards. It is also found that the orbital phase-dependence of the mass-accretion rate is mainly caused by the inward propagation of the spiral wave excited in the accretion disk.
