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Radial Distribution of Dust Grains Around HR 4796A

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 Added by Zahed Wahhaj
 Publication date 2004
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We present high-dynamic-range images of circumstellar dust around HR 4796A that were obtained with MIRLIN at the Keck II telescope at lambda = 7.9, 10.3, 12.5 and 24.5 um. We also present a new continuum measurement at 350 um obtained at the Caltech Submillimeter Observatory. Emission is resolved in Keck images at 12.5 and 24.5 um with PSF FWHMs of 0.37 and 0.55, respectively, and confirms the presence of an outer ring centered at 70 AU. Unresolved excess infrared emission is also detected at the stellar position and must originate well within 13 AU of the star. A model of dust emission fit to flux densities at 12.5, 20.8, and 24.5 um indicates dust grains are located 4(+3/-2) AU from the star with effective size, 28+/-6 um, and an associated temperature of 260+/-40 K. We simulate all extant data with a simple model of exozodiacal dust and an outer exo-Kuiper ring. A two-component outer ring is necessary to fit both Keck thermal infrared and HST scattered-light images. Bayesian parameter estimates yield a total cross-sectional area of 0.055 AU^2 for grains roughly 4 AU from the star and an outer-dust disk composed of a narrow large-grain ring embedded within a wider ring of smaller grains. The narrow ring is 14+/-1 AU wide with inner radius 66+/-1 AU and total cross-sectional area 245 AU^2. The outer ring is 80+/-15 AU wide with inner radius 45+/-5 AU and total cross-sectional area 90 AU^2. Dust grains in the narrow ring are about 10 times larger and have lower albedos than those in the wider ring. These properties are consistent with a picture in which radiation pressure dominates the dispersal of an exo-Kuiper belt.

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The scattering properties of the dust originating from debris discs are still poorly known. The analysis of scattered light is however a powerful remote-sensing tool to understand the physical properties of dust particles orbiting other stars. Scattered light is indeed widely used to characterise the properties of cometary dust in the solar system. We aim to measure the morphology and scattering properties of the dust from the debris ring around HR4796A in polarised optical light. We obtained high-contrast polarimetric images of HR4796A in the wavelength range 600-900nm with the SPHERE / ZIMPOL instrument on the Very Large Telescope. We measured for the first time the polarised phase function of the dust in a debris system over a wide range of scattering angles in the optical. We confirm that it is incompatible with dust particles being compact spheres under the assumption of the Mie theory, and propose alternative scenarios compatible with the observations, such as particles with irregular surface roughness or aggregate particles.
233 - Margaret Moerchen 2010
We have obtained new resolved images of the well-studied HR 4796A dust ring at 18 and 25 microns with the 8-meter Gemini telescopes. These images confirm the previously observed spatial extent seen in mid-IR, near-IR, and optical images of the source. We detect brightness and temperature asymmetries such that dust on the NE side is both brighter and warmer than dust in the SW. We show that models of so-called pericenter glow account for these asymmetries, thus both confirming and extending our previous analyses. In this scenario, the center of the dust ring is offset from the star due to gravitational perturbations of a body with an eccentric orbit that has induced a forced eccentricity on the dust particle orbits. Models with 2-micron silicate dust particles and a forced eccentricity of 0.06 simultaneously fit the observations at both wavelengths. We also show that parameters used to characterize the thermal-emission properties of the disk can also account for the disk asymmetry observed in shorter-wavelength scattered-light images.
We have obtained high spatial resolution imaging observations of the HR 4796A circumstellar debris dust ring using the broad optical response of the Hubble Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph in coronagraphic mode. We use our visual wavelength observations to improve upon the earlier measured geometrical parameters of the ring-like disk. Two significant flux density asymmetries are noted: (1) preferential forward scattering by the disk grains and (2) an azimuthal surface brightness anisotropy about the morphological minor axis of the disk with corresponding differential ansal brightness. We find the debris ring offset from the location of the star by ~1.4 AU, a shift insufficient to explain the differing brightnesses of the NE and SW ansae simply by the 1/$r^2$ dimmunition of starlight. The STIS data also better quantify the radial confinement of the starlight-scattering circumstellar debris, to a characteristic region <14 AU in photometric half-width, with a significantly steeper inner truncation than outward falloff in radial surface brightness. The inferred spatial distribution of the disk grains is consistent with the possibility of one or more unseen co-orbital planetary-mass perturbers, and the colors of the disk grains are consistent with a collisionally evolved population of debris, possibly including ices reddened by radiation exposure to the central star.
The young A0V star HR 4796A is host to a bright and narrow ring of dust, thought to originate in collisions between planetesimals within a belt analogous to the Solar Systems Edgeworth-Kuiper belt. Here we present high spatial resolution 880$mu$m continuum images from the Atacama Large Millimeter Array. The 80au radius dust ring is resolved radially with a characteristic width of 10au, consistent with the narrow profile seen in scattered light. Our modelling consistently finds that the disk is also vertically resolved with a similar extent. However, this extent is less than the beam size, and a disk that is dynamically very cold (i.e. vertically thin) provides a better theoretical explanation for the narrow scattered light profile, so we remain cautious about this conclusion. We do not detect $^{12}$CO J=3-2 emission, concluding that unless the disk is dynamically cold the CO+CO$_2$ ice content of the planetesimals is of order a few percent or less. We consider the range of semi-major axes and masses of an interior planet supposed to cause the rings eccentricity, finding that such a planet should be more massive than Neptune and orbit beyond 40au. Independent of our ALMA observations, we note a conflict between mid-IR pericenter-glow and scattered light imaging interpretations, concluding that models where the spatial dust density and grain size vary around the ring should be explored.
We have obtained Gemini Planet Imager (GPI) J-, H-, K1-, and K2-Spec observations of the iconic debris ring around the young, main-sequence star HR 4796A. We applied several point-spread function (PSF) subtraction techniques to the observations (Mask-and-Interpolate, RDI-NMF, RDI-KLIP, and ADI-KLIP) to measure the geometric parameters and the scattering phase function for the disk. To understand the systematic errors associated with PSF subtraction, we also forward-modeled the observations using a Markov Chain Monte Carlo framework and a simple model for the disk. We found that measurements of the disk geometric parameters were robust, with all of our analyses yielding consistent results; however, measurements of the scattering phase function were challenging to reconstruct from PSF-subtracted images, despite extensive testing. As a result, we estimated the scattering phase function using disk modeling. We searched for a dependence of the scattering phase function with respect to the GPI filters but found none. We compared the H-band scattering phase function with that measured by Hubble Space Telescope STIS at visual wavelengths and discovered a blue color at small scattering angles and a red color at large scattering angles, consistent with predictions and laboratory measurements of large grains. Finally, we successfully modeled the SPHERE H2 HR 4796A scattered phase function using a distribution of hollow spheres composed of silicates, carbon, and metallic iron.
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