Spectroscopic Identification of Faint White Dwarf Candidates in the Praesepe Open Star Cluster

Abstract in English

We present spectroscopic observations of the remaining four candidate white dwarfs in Praesepe. All four candidates are quasars with redshifts between 0.8 and 2.8. One quasar, LB 6072, is observed to have a strong metal-line absorption system blueward of the quasar redshift. The lack of additional white dwarfs in Praesepe leaves the total known white-dwarf population of the cluster at five, well below the number expected from commonly-assumed initial mass functions, though several undiscovered cluster WDs may lie in the outer regions of the cluster. All known Praesepe member white dwarfs are concentrated within 0.6 deg of the cluster center, and the radial profile of cluster white dwarfs is quite similar to the profile of massive cluster stars. This profile is mildly inconsistent with that of ~1Mo cluster stars and suggests that the white dwarfs did not receive a velocity kick during the progenitor stars mass loss phases. If complete, the observed Praesepe white dwarf population is consistent with a steeper high-end initial-mass function than commonly assumed, though the calculated slopes are inconsistent with the present-day mass function of Praesepe. Searches for white dwarfs outside the core of Praesepe and further study of the white dwarf populations of additional open clusters is necessary to constrain further the underlying cause of the white dwarf deficit.
