Nitrogen abundances in Planet-harbouring stars

Abstract in English

We present a detailed spectroscopic analysis of nitrogen abundances in 91 solar-type stars, 66 with and 25 without known planetary mass companions. All comparison sample stars and 28 planet hosts were analysed by spectral synthesis of the near-UV NH band at 3360 AA observed at high resolution with the VLT/UVES,while the near-IR NI 7468 AA was measured in 31 objects. These two abundance indicators are in good agreement. We found that nitrogen abundance scales with that of iron in the metallicity range -0.6 <[Fe/H]< +0.4 with the slope 1.08 pm 0.05. Our results show that the bulk of nitrogen production at high metallicities was coupled with iron. We found that the nitrogen abundance distribution in stars with exoplanets is the high [Fe/H] extension of the curve traced by the comparison sample of stars with no known planets. A comparison of our nitrogen abundances with those available in the literature shows a good agreement.
