Metal Abundances of KISS Galaxies. II. Nebular Abundances of Twelve Low-Luminosity Emission-Line Galaxies

Abstract in English

We present follow-up spectra of 39 emission-line galaxies (ELGs) from the KPNO International Spectroscopic Survey (KISS). Many targets were selected as potentially low metallicity systems based on their absolute B magnitudes and the metallicity-luminosity relation. The spectra, obtained with the Lick 3-m telescope, cover the full optical region from [O II]3726,29 to beyond [S IIl6717,31 and include measurement of [O IIIl4363 in twelve objects. The spectra are presented and tables of the strong line ratios are given. For twelve high signal-to-noise ratio spectra, we determine abundance ratios of oxygen, nitrogen, neon, sulfur and argon. We find these galaxies to be metal deficient with three systems approaching O/H of 1/25th solar. We compare the abundance results from the temperature-based T_e method to the results from the strong-line p_3 method of Pilyguin (2000).
