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Detection of highly ionized O and Ne absorption lines in the X-ray spectrum of 4U1820-303 in the globular cluster, NGC 6624

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 Added by Yoh Takei
 Publication date 2003
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We searched for absorption lines of highly ionized O and Ne in the energy spectra of two Low-mass X-ray binaries, 4U1820-303 in the globular cluster NGC6624 and Cyg X-2, observed with the Chandra LETG, and detected O VII, O VIII and Ne IX absorption lines for 4U1820-303. The equivalent width of the O VII K alpha line was 1.19 +0.47/-0.30 eV (90 % errors) and the significance was 6.5 sigma. Absorption lines were not detected for Cyg X-2 with a 90 % upper limit on the equivalent width of 1.06 eV for O VII K alpha. The absorption lines observed in 4U1820-303 are likely due to hot interstellar medium, because O will be fully photo-ionized if the absorbing column is located close to the binary system. The velocity dispersion is restricted to b = 200 - 420 km/s from consistency between O VII K alpha and K beta lines, Ne/O abundance ratio, and H column density. The average temperature and the O VII density are respectively estimated to be log(T[K]) = 6.2 - 6.3 and n(OVII) = (0.7 - 2.3) x 10^{-6} cm^{-3}. The difference of O VII column densities for the two sources may be connected to the enhancement of the soft X-ray background (SXB) towards the Galactic bulge region. Using the polytrope model of hot gas to account for the SXB we corrected for the density gradient and estimated the midplane O VII density at the solar neighborhood. The scale height of hot gas is then estimated using the AGN absorption lines. It is suggested that a significant portion of both the AGN absorption lines and the high-latitude SXB emission lines can be explained by the hot gas in our Galaxy.

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59 - G. Risaliti 2005
We present the discovery of four absorption lines in the X-ray spectrum of the Seyfert Galaxy NGC 1365, at energies between 6.7 and 8.3 keV. The lines are detected with high statistical confidence (from >20sigma for the strongest to ~4sigma for the weakest) in two XMM-Newton observations 60 ksec long. We also detect the same lines, with lower signal-to-noise (but still >2sigma for each line) in two previous shorter (~10 ksec) XMM observations. The spectral analysis identifies these features as FeXXV and FeXXVI Kalpha and Kbeta lines, outflowing with velocities varying between ~1000 to ~5000 km/s among the observations. These are the highest quality detections of such lines so far. The high equivalent widths (EW(Kalpha)~100 eV) and the Kalpha/Kbeta ratios imply that the lines are due to absorption of the AGN continuum by a highly ionized gas with column density N_H~5x10^23 cm^{-2}
We present the high-resolution Chandra X-ray Observatory persistent (non-dip) spectrum of 4U 1916-05 which revealed narrow absorption lines from hydrogenic neon, magnesium, silicon, and sulfur, in addition to the previous identified hydrogenic and helium-like iron absorption lines. This makes 4U 1916-05 only the second of the classical X-ray dipper systems to show narrow absorption lines from elements other than iron. We propose two possible explanations for the small measured line widths (>~ 500-2000 km s^{-1}), compared to the expected Keplerian velocities (> 1000 km s^{-1}) of the accretion disk in this 50-min orbital period system, and lack of wavelength shifts (>~ 250 km s^{-1}). First, the ionized absorber may be stationary. Alternatively, the line properties may measure the relative size of the emission region. From this hypothesis, we find that the emission region is constrained to be >~ 0.25 times the radial extent of the absorber. Our results also imply that the ionized absorber spans a range of ionization parameters.
66 - P. C. Freire 2001
We report the detection of ionized intracluster gas in the globular cluster 47 Tucanae. Pulsars in this cluster with a negative period derivative, which must lie in the distant half of the cluster, have significantly higher measured integrated electron column densities than the pulsars with a positive period derivative. We derive the plasma density within the central few pc of the cluster using two different methods which yield consistent values. Our best estimate of n_e = (0.067+-0.015)/cm^3 is about 100 times the free electron density of the ISM in the vicinity of 47 Tucanae, and the ionized gas is probably the dominant component of the intracluster medium.
We used ultra-deep $J$ and $K_s$ images secured with the near-infrared GSAOI camera assisted by the multi-conjugate adaptive optics system GeMS at the GEMINI South Telescope in Chile, to obtain a ($K_s$, $J-K_s$) color-magnitude diagram (CMD) for the bulge globular cluster NGC 6624. We obtained the deepest and most accurate near-infrared CMD from the ground for this cluster, by reaching $K_s$ $sim$ 21.5, approximately 8 magnitudes below the horizontal branch level. The entire extension of the Main Sequence (MS) is nicely sampled and at $K_s$ $sim$ 20 we detected the so-called MS knee in a purely near-infrared CMD. By taking advantage of the exquisite quality of the data, we estimated the absolute age of NGC 6624 ($t_{age}$ = 12.0 $pm$ 0.5 Gyr), which turns out to be in good agreement with previous studies in the literature. We also analyzed the luminosity and mass functions of MS stars down to M $sim$ 0.45 M$_{odot}$ finding evidence of a significant increase of low-mass stars at increasing distances from the cluster center. This is a clear signature of mass segregation, confirming that NGC 6624 is in an advanced stage of dynamical evolution.
129 - W. S. Stacey 2012
We observed the globular cluster NGC 6652 with Chandra for 47.5 ks, detecting six known X-ray sources, as well as five previously undetected X-ray sources. Source A (XB 1832-330) is a well-known bright low-mass X-ray binary (LXMB). The second brightest source, B, has a spectrum that fits well to either a power-law model (Gamma ~ 1.3) or an absorbed hot gas emission model (kT ~ 34 keV). Its unabsorbed 0.5-10 keV luminosity (L_X = 1.6+-0.1*10^34 erg/s) is suggestive of a neutron star primary; however, Source B exhibits unusual variability for a LMXB, varying by over an order of magnitude on timescales of ~ 100 s. Source Cs spectrum contains a strong low-energy component below 1 keV. Its spectrum is well fit to a simplified magnetic cataclysmic variable (CV) model, thus the soft component may be explained by a hot polar cap of a magnetic CV. Source D has an average L_X (0.5-10 keV) ~ 9*10^32 erg/s, and its spectrum is well fit to a neutron star atmosphere model. This is indicative of a quiescent neutron star LXMB, suggesting Source D may be the third known LMXB in NGC 6652. Source E has L_X (0.5-10 keV) ~ 3*10^32 erg/s, while Source F has L_X (0.5-10 keV) ~ 1*10^32 erg/s. Their relatively hard X-ray spectra are well-fit by power-law or plasma emission models. Five newly detected fainter sources have luminosities between 1-5*10^31 erg/s. NGC 6652 has an unusually flat X-ray luminosity function compared to other globular clusters, which may be connected to its extremely high central density.
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