SDSS J0903+5028: A New Gravitational Lens

Abstract in English

We report the discovery of a new gravitationally lensed quasar from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey, SDSS J090334.92+502819.2. This object was targeted for SDSS spectroscopy as a Luminous Red Galaxy (LRG), but manual examination of the spectrum showed the presence of a quasar at z= 3.6 in addition to a red galaxy at z=0.388, and the SDSS image showed a second possible quasar image nearby. Follow-up imaging and spectroscopy confirmed the lensing hypothesis. In images taken at the ARC 3.5-meter telescope, two quasars are separated by 2.8 arc-seconds; the lensing galaxy is clearly seen and is blended with one of the quasar images. Spectroscopy taken at the Keck II telescope shows that the quasars have identical redshifts of z=3.6 and both show the presence of the same broad absorption line-like troughs. We present simple lens models which account for the geometry and magnifications. The lens galaxy lies near two groups of galaxies and may be a part of them. The models suggest that the groups may contribute considerable shear and may have a strong effect on the lens configuration.
