A Soft X-ray Component in the Abell 754 Cluster

Abstract in English

We have analyzed the Chandra, BeppoSax, and ROSAT observations of Abell 754 and report evidence of a soft, diffuse X-ray component. The emission is peaked in the cluster center and is detected out to 8 from the X-ray center. Fitting a thermal model to the combined BeppoSax and PSPC spectra show excess emission below 1 keV in the PSPC and above 100 keV in the BeppoSax PDS. The source 26W20 is in the field of view of the PDS. The addition of a powerlaw with the spectral parameters measured by Silverman et al. (1998) for 26W20 successfully models the hard component in the PDS. The remaining excess soft emission can be modeled by either a low temperature, 0.75 - 1.03 keV component, or by a powerlaw with a steep spectral index, 2.3. Addition of a second thermal component model provides a much better fit to the data than does the addition of a non-thermal component. The Chandra temperature map does not show any region cooler than 6.9 keV within the region where the cool component was detected. Simulations of the emission from embedded groups were performed and compared with the Chandra temperature map which show groups are a plausible source of ~1 keV emission. The cool component is centrally peaked in the cluster and the gas density and temperature are relatively high arguing against the WHIM as the source of the X-ray emission. X-ray emission from elliptical galaxies is not high enough to provide the total cool component luminosity, 7.0x10^43 ergs s^-1. The peak of the cool component is located between the low frequency radio halos arguing against a non-thermal interpretation for the emission. We conclude that emission from embedded groups is the most likely origin of the cool component in Abell 754.
