We report extensive calculations of the decay properties of fine-structure K-vacancy levels in Fe X-Fe XVII. A large set of level energies, wavelengths, radiative and Auger rates, and fluorescence yields has been computed using three different standard atomic codes, namely Cowans HFR, AUTOSTRUCTURE and the Breit-Pauli R-matrix package. This multi-code approach is used to the study the effects of core relaxation, configuration interaction and the Breit interaction, and enables the estimate of statistical accuracy ratings. The K-alpha and KLL Auger widths have been found to be nearly independent of both the outer-electron configuration and electron occupancy keeping a constant ratio of 1.53+/-0.06. By comparing with previous theoretical and measured wavelengths, the accuracy of the present set is determined to be within 2 mA. Also, the good agreement found between the different radiative and Auger data sets that have been computed allow us to propose with confidence an accuracy rating of 20% for the line fluorescence yields greater than 0.01. Emission and absorption spectral features are predicted finding good correlation with measurements in both laboratory and astrophysical plasmas.