Galactic cannibalism in the galaxy cluster C0337-2522 at z=0.59

Abstract in English

According to the galactic cannibalism model, cD galaxies are formed in the center of galaxy clusters by merging of massive galaxies and accretion of smaller stellar systems: however, observational examples of the initial phases of this process are lacking. We have identified a strong candidate for this early stage of cD galaxy formation: a group of five elliptical galaxies in the core of the X-ray cluster C0337-2522 at redshift z=0.59. With the aid of numerical simulations, in which the galaxies are represented by N-body systems, we study their dynamical evolution up to z=0; the cluster dark matter distribution is also described as a N-body system. We find that a multiple merging event in the considered group of galaxies will take place before z=0 and that the merger remnant preserves the Fundamental Plane and the Faber-Jackson relations, while its behavior with respect to the Mbh-sigma relation is quite sensitive to the details of black hole merging [abridged].
