The z=2.51 Extremely Red Submillimeter Galaxy SMMJ04431+0210

Abstract in English

We report the redshift measurement for the submillimeter selected galaxy SMMJ04431+0210 (N4) using the Near Infrared Spectrograph on the Keck-II telescope. The data show H-alpha, [NII]6583,6548, and [OIII]5007 lines at a redshift of z=2.51. The high nuclear [NII]/H-alpha line ratio is consistent with a LINER or Type-II AGN. The H-alpha emission is spatially resolved, suggesting the presence of significant star-forming activity outside the nucleus. From imaging with the Near Infrared Camera on the Keck-I telescope, we find an extremely red near-infrared color of J-K=3.2 for N4. Follow-up redshifted CO(3-2) observations with the Owens Valley Millimeter Array constrain the mass of molecular gas to be less than 4x10^{10} Msun, after correcting for lensing. The CO to sub-mm flux limit, the spectroscopic line ratios, and the spectral energy distribution for N4 are all within the range of properties found in other high-redshift sub-mm sources and local ultraluminous infrared galaxies. After the correction for lensing, N4 is the weakest intrinsic sub-mm selected source with a known redshift and represents the first redshift for the <2mJy 850um sources which are responsible for the bulk of the emission from the sub-mm population as a whole. We argue that N4 contains either an AGN or LINER nucleus surrounded by an extended region of active star-formation.
