X-ray Fluctuation Power Spectral Densities of Seyfert 1 Galaxies

Abstract in English

By combining complementary monitoring observations spanning long, medium and short time scales, we have constructed power spectral densities (PSDs) of six Seyfert~1 galaxies. These PSDs span $gtrsim$4 orders of magnitude in temporal frequency, sampling variations on time scales ranging from tens of minutes to over a year. In at least four cases, the PSD shows a break, a significant departure from a power law, typically on time scales of order a few days. This is similar to the behavior of Galactic X-ray binaries (XRBs), lower mass compact systems with breaks on time scales of seconds. NGC 3783 shows tentative evidence for a doubly-broken power law, a feature that until now has only been seen in the (much better-defined) PSDs of low-state XRBs. It is also interesting that (when one previously-observed object is added to make a small sample of seven), an apparently significant correlation is seen between the break time scale $T$ and the putative black hole mass $M_{rm BH}$, while none is seen between break time scale and luminosity. The data are consistent with the linear relation $ T = M_{rm BH}/10^{6.5} Msun$; extrapolation over 6--7 orders of magnitude is in reasonable agreement with XRBs. All of this strengthens the case for a physical similarity between Seyfert~1s and XRBs.
