The transverse velocity and excitation structure of the HH 110 jet

Abstract in English

We present long-slit spectroscopic observations of the HH 110 jet obtained with the 4.2~m William Herschel Telescope. We have obtained for the first time, spectra for slit positions along and across the jet axis (at the position of knots B, C, I, J and P) to search for the observational signatures of entrainment and turbulence by studying the kinematics and the excitation structure. We find that the HH 110 flow accelerates from a velocity of 35 km/s in knot A up to 110 km/s in knot P. We find some systematic trends for the variation of the emission line ratios along the jet. No clear trends for the variation of the radial velocity are seen across the width of the jet beam. The cross sections of the jet show complex radial velocity and line emission structures which differ quite strongly from each other.
