The Low Mass X-ray Binary-Globular Cluster Connection II: NGC 4472 X-ray Source Properties and Source Catalogs

Abstract in English

We present the results of a Chandra/HST study of the point sources of the NGC 4472. We identify 144 X-ray sources, 72 with HST matches. The optical data show 1102 sources, 829 with globular cluster colors. Thirty matches are found - likely to be low mass X-ray binaries in globular clusters, while 42 have no optical counterparts to V~25 and I~24 - likely predominantly LMXBs in the field star population. Thus approximately 40% of the X-ray sources are in globular clusters and ~4% of the globular clusters contain X-ray sources. The blue GC sources may have harder X-ray spectra than the red GC sources. No significant differences are found between the X-ray properties of the field sources and of the GC sources. This study, along with our previous result from Paper I in this series on the similarity of the spatial profile of the field LMXBs, globular cluster LMXBs, and the globular clusters themselves suggest that a significant fraction of the observed low mass X-ray binaries in the field may be created in a globular cluster then ejected into the field by stellar interaction s; however, by comparing the results for NGC 4472 with those in several other galaxies, we find tentative evidence for a correlation be tween the globular cluster specific frequency and the fraction of LMXBs in globular clusters, a correlation which would be most easily explained if some of the field sources were generated in situ. We show that isolated accreting very massive black holes are unlikely to be observable with current X-ray instrumentation and that these sources hence do not contaminate the LMXB population. We discuss the possibility that several equatorial point sources may indicate the presence of a disk wind responsible for the low radiative efficiency observed in the nucleus of this source. (abridged)
