Eta Carinae: The physical structure of the outer ejecta and the strings

Abstract in English

The outer ejecta is part of the nebula around Eta Carinae. They are filamentary, shaped irregularly and larger than the Homunculus, the central bipolar nebula. While the Homuculus is mainly a reflection nebula, the outer ejecta is an emission structure. However, we showed with kinematic analysis that the outer ejecta (as the Homunculus) expands bi-directional despite of its complex morphology. Radial velocities in the outer ejecta reach up to 2000km/s and give rise to X-ray emission. An analysis showing the distribution of the soft X-ray emission and its comparison to the optical emitting gas is presented here. X-ray maxima are found in areas in which the expansion velocities are highest. The temperature of 0.65 keV determined with the CHANDRA/ACIS data and thermal equilibrium models indicates post-shock velocities of 750km/s, about what was found in the spectra. In addition analysis of the new HST-STIS data from the Strings--long, highly collimated structures in the outer ejecta--are presented. The data show that the electron density of the Strings is of the order of 10^4 cm^-3. The same value was detected for other structures in the outer ejecta. With this density String 1 has a mass of about 3 10^-4 M_sun and the total ejecta could be as massive as 0.5 M_sun.
