From Precision Cosmology to Accurate Cosmology

Abstract in English

This is the dawning of the age of precision cosmology, when all the important parameters will be established to one significant figure or better, within the cosmological model. In the age of accurate cosmology the model, which nowadays includes general relativity theory and the CDM model for structure formation, will be checked tightly enough to be established as a convincing approximation to reality. I comment on how we might make the transition. We already have some serious tests of gravity physics on the length and time scales of cosmology. The evidence for consistency with general relativity theory is still rough, but impressive, considering the enormous extrapolation from the empirical basis, and these probes of gravity physics will be considerably improved by work in progress on the cosmological tests. The CDM model has some impressive observational successes too, and some challenges, not least of which is that the model is based on a wonderfully optimistic view of the simplicity of physics in the dark sector. I present as a cautionary example a model for dark matter and dark energy that biases interpretations of cosmological observations that assume the CDM model. In short, cosmology has become an empirically rich subject with a well-motivated standard model, but it needs work to be established as generally accurate.
