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Statistical Re-examination of Reported Emission Lines in the X-ray Afterglow of GRB 011211

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 Added by R. E. Rutledge
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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(abridged) A 0.2-12 keV spectrum obtained with the XMM EPIC/pn instrument of GRB 011211 was found by Reeves et al. (2002) to contain emission lines which were interpreted to be from Mg XI, Si XIV, S XVI, Ar XVIII, and Ca XX, at a lower redshift (z_{obs}=1.88) than the host galaxy (z_{host}=2.14). We examine the spectrum independently, and find that the claimed lines would not be discovered in a blind search. Specifically, Monte Carlo simulations show that they would be observed in 10% of featureless spectra with the same signal-to-noise. Imposing a model in which the two brightest lines would be Si XIV and S XVI K-alpha emission possibly velocity shifted to between z=1.88--2.40, such features would be found in between ~1.2-2.6% of observed featureless spectra. We find the detection significances to be insufficient to justify the claim of detection and the model put forth to explain them. K-alpha line complexes are also found at z=1.2 and z=2.75 of significance equal to or greater than that at z=1.88. If one adopts the z=1.88 complex as significant, one must also adopt the other two complexes to be significant. The interpretation of these data in the context of the model proposed by Reeves et al. is therefore degenerate, and cannot be resolved by these data alone.

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113 - D. Watson 2003
Strong, delayed X-ray line emission is detected in the afterglow of GRB 030227, appearing near the end of the XMM-Newton observation, nearly twenty hours after the burst. The observed flux in the lines, not simply the equivalent width, sharply increases from an undetectable level (<1.7e-14 erg/cm^2/s, 3 sigma) to 4.1e-14 erg/cm^2/s in the final 9.7 ks. The line emission alone has nearly twice as many detected photons as any previous detection of X-ray lines. The lines correspond well to hydrogen and/or helium-like emission from Mg, Si, S, Ar and Ca at a redshift z=1.39. There is no evidence for Fe, Co or Ni--the ultimate iron abundance must be less than a tenth that of the lighter metals. If the supernova and GRB events are nearly simultaneous there must be continuing, sporadic power output after the GRB of a luminosity >~5e46 erg/s, exceeding all but the most powerful quasars.
102 - J. N. Reeves 2002
Since their identification with cosmological distances, Gamma-ray bursts (GRBs) have been recognised as the most energetic phenomena in the Universe, with an isotropic burst energy as high as 10^54 ergs. However, the progenitors responsible for the bursts remain elusive, favoured models ranging from a neutron star binary merger, to the collapse of a massive star. Crucial to our understanding of the origins of GRBs is the study of the afterglow emission, where spectroscopy can reveal details of the environment of the burst. Here we report on an XMM-Newton observation of the X-ray afterglow of GRB 011211. The X-ray spectrum reveals evidence for emission lines of Magnesium, Silicon, Sulphur, Argon, Calcium, and possibly Nickel, arising in enriched material with an outflow velocity of order 0.1c. This is the first direct measurement of outflowing matter in a gamma ray burst. The observations strongly favour models where a supernova explosion from a massive stellar progenitor precedes the burst event and is responsible for the outflowing matter.
We have identified spectral features in the late-time X-ray afterglow of the unusually long, slow-decaying GRB 130925A using NuSTAR, Swift-XRT, and Chandra. A spectral component in addition to an absorbed power-law is required at $>4sigma$ significance, and its spectral shape varies between two observation epochs at $2times10^5$ and $10^6$ seconds after the burst. Several models can fit this additional component, each with very different physical implications. A broad, resolved Gaussian absorption feature of several keV width improves the fit, but it is poorly constrained in the second epoch. An additive black body or second power-law component provide better fits. Both are challenging to interpret: the blackbody radius is near the scale of a compact remnant ($10^8$ cm), while the second powerlaw component requires an unobserved high-energy cutoff in order to be consistent with the non-detection by Fermi-LAT.
120 - M. De Pasquale 2005
We present the X-ray afterglow catalog of BeppoSAX from the launch of the satellite to the end of the mission. Thirty-three X-ray afterglows were securely identified based on their fading behavior out of 39 observations. We have extracted the continuum parameters (decay index, spectral index, flux, absorption) for all available afterglows. We point out a possible correlation between the X-ray afterglow luminosity and the energy emitted during the prompt $gamma$-ray event. We do not detect a significant jet signature within the afterglows, implying a lower limit on the beaming angle, neither a standard energy release when X-ray fluxes are corrected for beaming. Our data support the hypothesis that the burst should be surrounded by an interstellar medium rather than a wind environment, and that this environment should be dense. This may be explained by a termination shock located near the burst progenitor. We finally point out that some dark bursts may be explained by an intrinsic faintness of the event, while others may be strongly absorbed.
97 - Claudio Pagani 2006
The unique capability of the Swift satellite to perform a prompt and autonomous slew to a newly detected Gamma-Ray Burst (GRB) has yielded the discovery of interesting new properties of GRB X-ray afterglows, such as the steep early lightcurve decay and the frequent presence of flares detected up to a few hours after the GRB trigger. We present observations of GRB 050607, the fourth case of a GRB discovered by Swift with flares superimposed on the overall fading X-ray afterglow. The flares of GRB 050607 were not symmetric as in previously reported cases, showing a very steep rise and a shallower decay, similar to the Fast Rise, Exponential Decay that are frequently observed in the gamma-ray prompt emission. The brighter flare had a flux increase by a factor of approximately 25,peaking for 30 seconds at a count rate of approximately 30 counts s-1, and it presented hints of addition short time scale activity during the decay phase. There is evidence of spectral evolution during the flares. In particular, at the onset of the flares the observed emission was harder, with a gradual softening as each flare decayed. The very short time scale and the spectral variability during the flaring activity are indicators of possible extended periods of energy emission by the GRB central engine. The flares were followed by a phase of shallow decay, during which the forward shock was being refreshed by a long-lived central engine or by shells of lower Lorentz factors, and by a steepening after approximately 12 ks to a decay slope considered typical of X-ray afterglows.
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