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EVN observations of 6.7 GHz methanol masers from Medicina survey

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 Added by Maxim A. Voronkov
 Publication date 2002
  fields Physics
and research's language is English

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We report VLBI observations of methanol masers in the brightest 5(1)-6(0) A+ transition at 6.7 GHz in NGC 281W, 18151-1208 and 19388+2357. Using the fringe rate method absolute positions were obtained for all observed sources. A linear ordered structure with a velocity gradient was revealed in NGC 281W. Under assumption that such structure is an edge-on Keplerian disk around the central object with a mass of 30Msun located at a distance of 3.5 kpc from the Sun, we estimated that methanol masers are situated at the distance about 400 a.u. from the center of the disk. A second epoch of observations was reported for L1206, GL2789 and 20062+3550. The upper limits on the relative motions of maser spots are estimated to be 4.7 km/s and 28 km/s for L1206 and GL2789 respectively.

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Methanol masers at 6.7 GHz are associated with high-mass star-forming regions (HMSFRs) and often have mid-infrared (MIR) counterparts characterized by extended emission at 4.5 $mu$m, which likely traces outflows from massive young stellar objects (MYSOs). Our objectives are to determine the milliarcsecond (mas) morphology of the maser emission and to examine if it comes from one or several candidate MIR counterparts in the clusters of MYSOs. The European VLBI Network (EVN) was used to image the 6.7 GHz maser line with ~2.1 field of view toward 14 maser sites from the Torun catalog. Quasi-simultaneous observations were carried out with the Torun 32 m telescope. We obtained maps with mas angular resolution that showed diversity of methanol emission morphology: a linear distribution (e.g., G37.753-00.189), a ring-like (G40.425+00.700), and a complex one (e.g., G45.467+00.053). The maser emission is usually associated with the strongest MIR counterpart in the clusters; no maser emission was detected from other MIR sources in the fields of view of 2.1 in diameter. The maser source luminosity seems to correlate with the total luminosity of the central MYSO. Although the Very Long Baseline Interferometry (VLBI) technique resolves a significant part of the maser emission, the morphology is still well determined. This indicates that the majority of maser components have compact cores.
204 - K.L.J. Rygl 2009
Emission from the 6.7 GHz methanol maser transition is very strong, is relatively stable, has small internal motions, and is observed toward numerous massive star-forming regions in the Galaxy. Our goal is to perform high-precision astrometry using this maser transition to obtain accurate distances to their host regions. Eight strong masers were observed during five epochs of VLBI observations with the European VLBI Network between 2006 June, and 2008 March. We report trigonometric parallaxes for five star-forming regions, with accuracies as good as $sim22 mathrm{mu}$as. Distances to these sources are $2.57^{+0.34}_{-0.27}$ kpc for ON 1, $0.776^{+0.104}_{-0.083}$ kpc for L 1206, $0.929^{+0.034}_{-0.033}$ kpc for L 1287, $2.38^{+0.13}_{-0.12}$ kpc for NGC 281-W, and $1.59^{+0.07}_{-0.06}$ kpc for S 255. The distances and proper motions yield the full space motions of the star-forming regions hosting the masers, and we find that these regions lag circular rotation on average by $sim$17 km s$^{-1}$, a value comparable to those found recently by similar studies.
143 - J. S. Urquhart 2013
Using the 870-$mu$m APEX Telescope Large Area Survey of the Galaxy (ATLASGAL), we have identified 577 submillimetre continuum sources with masers from the methanol multibeam (MMB) survey in the region $280degr < ell < 20degr$; $|,b,| < 1.5degr$. 94,per,cent of methanol masers in the region are associated with sub-millimetre dust emission. We estimate masses for ~450 maser-associated sources and find that methanol masers are preferentially associated with massive clumps. These clumps are centrally condensed, with envelope structures that appear to be scale-free, the mean maser position being offset from the peak column density by 0.0 pm 4. Assuming a Kroupa initial mass function and a star-formation efficiency of ~30,per,cent, we find that over two thirds of the clumps are likely to form clusters with masses >20,msun. Furthermore, almost all clumps satisfy the empirical mass-size criterion for massive star formation. Bolometric luminosities taken from the literature for ~100 clumps range between ~100 and 10$^6$,lsun. This confirms the link between methanol masers and massive young stars for 90,per,cent of our sample. The Galactic distribution of sources suggests that the star-formation efficiency is significantly reduced in the Galactic-centre region, compared to the rest of the survey area, where it is broadly constant, and shows a significant drop in the massive star-formation rate density in the outer Galaxy. We find no enhancement in source counts towards the southern Scutum-Centaurus arm tangent at $ell ~ 315degr$, which suggests that this arm is not actively forming stars.
22 GHz water and 6.7 GHz methanol masers are usually thought as signposts of early stages of high-mass star formation but little is known about their associations and the physical environments they occur in. The aim was to obtain accurate positions and morphologies of the water maser emission and relate them to the methanol maser emission recently mapped with Very Long Baseline Interferometry. A sample of 31 methanol maser sources was searched for 22 GHz water masers using the VLA and observed in the 6.7 GHz methanol maser line with the 32 m Torun dish simultaneously. Water maser clusters were detected towards 27 sites finding 15 new sources. The detection rate of water maser emission associated with methanol sources was as high as 71%. In a large number of objects (18/21) the structure of water maser is well aligned with that of the extended emission at 4.5 $mu$m confirming the origin of water emission from outflows. The sources with methanol emission with ring-like morphologies, which likely trace a circumstellar disk/torus, either do not show associated water masers or the distribution of water maser spots is orthogonal to the major axis of the ring. The two maser species are generally powered by the same high-mass young stellar object but probe different parts of its environment. The morphology of water and methanol maser emission in a minority of sources is consistent with a scenario that 6.7 GHz methanol masers trace a disc/torus around a protostar while the associated 22 GHz water masers arise in outflows. The majority of sources in which methanol maser emission is associated with the water maser appears to trace outflows. The two types of associations might be related to different evolutionary phases.
We have observed 13 methanol maser sources associated with massive star-forming regions; W3(OH), Mon R2, S 255, W 33A, IRAS 18151-1208, G 24.78+0.08, G 29.95-0.02, IRAS 18556+0136, W 48, OH 43.8-0.1, ON 1, Cep A and NGC 7538 at 6.7 GHz using the Japanese VLBI Network (JVN). Twelve of the thirteen sources were detected at our longest baseline of $sim$50 M$lambda$, and their images are presented. Seven of them are the first VLBI images at 6.7 GHz. This high detection rate and the small fringe spacing of $sim$4 milli-arcsecond suggest that most of the methanol maser sources have compact structure. Given this compactness as well as the known properties of long-life and small internal-motion, this methanol maser line is suitable for astrometry with VLBI.
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