K-Band Red Clump Distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud

Abstract in English

The Hipparcos I-band calibration of horizontal-branch red clump giants as standard candles has lead to controversial results for the distance to the Large Magellanic Cloud (LMC). In an attempt to properly ascertain the corrections for interstellar extinction and clump age and metallicity, we analyze new multi-wavelength luminosity functions of the LMC red clump. Our photometry dataset in the K-band was obtained with the SOFI infrared imager at the European Southern Observatorys New Technology Telescope. In the V and I passbands, we employ data from WFPC2 onboard the Hubble Space Telescope. The LMC red clump is first identified in a K,(V-K) color-magnitude diagram. Our luminosity functions yield apparent magnitudes of K = 16.974, I = 18.206, and V = 19.233 (+- 0.009_r +- 0.02_s; random and systematic error, respectively). Compared directly to the Hipparcos red clump calibration (without a correction for age and metallicity), the LMC clump measurements imply a negative interstellar reddening correction. This unphysical result indicates a population difference between clumps. A modified calibration based on theoretical modeling yields an average reddening correction of E(B-V) = 0.089 +- 0.015_r, and a true LMC distance modulus of 18.493 +- 0.033_r +- 0.03_s. We reconcile our result with the short distance previously derived from OGLE II red clump data.
